On Thu, Nov 01, 2012 at 09:01:20AM +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> | I tried iTerm2 but I didn't like it much. For me
> | the default Terminal in Mac OS X renders a nicer display IMO. But then i
> | spend little time on my Mac, mostly I just use my BSD machines and urxvt.
> I like iTerm2 for the following reasons:
>   - horizontal and vertical pane tiling
>     I've bound shift-%V to open a new vertical pane (splits the current
>     pane vertically) and shift-%T to open a new horizontal pane (splits
>     the current pane horizontally).
>     This is outstandingly useful for working in multiple shells.
>     I do a lot of remote admin and opening shells on a bunch of machines
>     nicely arranged for coordinated work is very pleasing.

You may want to look into tmux :)

Then again, nearly 100% of my in-terminal work is done from another,
permanently-connected machine, and my mac is just a portal to my

> And of course I've spent some time tuning fonts and colours, and made
> things slightly transparent with a slight brightening for the currently
> focussed pane. iTerm2 has lots of features, but the ones above are the
> real winners for me.

I am pretty pleased with Terminal.app from Lion forward, but my work
machine is sadly still on Snow Leopard (silly corp IT policy, don't ask)
so I tried out iTerm2 again and now I use it primarily on both of my


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