On 2012-11-27, Jamie Paul Griffin <ja...@kode5.net> wrote:
> [ Rado S Wrote On Tue 27.Nov'12 at 10:20:12 GMT ]
>>> You were asked to wrap, came up with a reasonable excuse why you
>>> weren't, got a solution in reply and said "ok, thanks, I'll do that".
>>> Three weeks later...
>> Occasionally the secretly raging struggle between the eternal forces
>> comes to the surface to be doused in flames. ;)
> I'm sorry but you've lost me again :-) - both of you

There is a never-ending, universal struggle between good (wrapped
lines and trimmed/interleaved posting) and evil (unwrapped lines and
Microsoft-style top-posting).  That war is always being fought even if
it's out-of-sight. Seemingly innocuous events can spark a battle.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! It was a JOKE!!
                                  at               Get it??  I was receiving
                              gmail.com            messages from DAVID
                                                   LETTERMAN!!  !

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