On 15.12.12 17:03, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> Probably it is not yet in mutt, but might be included later. Many 
> features from mutt started as separate patches (or are still flying 
> around as patches) until they have been included into main mutt.

Just tweaking the index view is only half a fix, IME. So some time ago I
removed the nuisance from the troublesome list, using procmail:

   * ^TO_luv-main@.*luv.asn.au
                        # We need the subject line _content_, minus [list-name]:

      SUBJECT=`formail -czX "Subject:" | sed -re "s/Subject:// ; s/ 

                        # Header filter leaves body alone:
      | formail -i "Subject: $SUBJECT"

                        # Delivery, with lockfile:

That has the advantage that the [list-gumpf] is gone not only from the
index, but also from the edit-headers in vim, when replying.

It has worked for me for many months, though the list has now removed
the Subject pollution, due to the many complaints. (At least that's what
I recall. I wouldn't know.)

If more than one list were a nuisance, it could be repackaged as a
non-delivering generic filtering rule.


Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank.                                       
Give a man a bank and he can rob the world.                                   
       - Seen on http://jyllands-posten.dk/

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