Incoming from Chris Bannister:
> On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 11:02:24AM -0700, s. keeling wrote:
> > 
> > [Apologies if this reaks with hostility; it isn't meant.  
> I've seen your posts before. 

Cool!  I've been using Linux/FLOSS/*nix since '93(?), and mutt pretty
much as long.  Honest, I meant no offence with that post.  It's just
frustrating for someone like myself (straddling the user-developer
line) seeing the communication barrier in action.

> > Understanding error reports and missives from users is an art.
> Exactly! So asking a "mere user" whether the messages are stored in mbox
> or maildir or plain ASCII won't help much, IMNSHO. A better question

Really?  Maybe they're in some proprietary $thingy with its own data
format, or they're on some $webbythingy that does it $that way, ...  I
don't like to make assumptions.  I want to know what's *really* going
on, and how.  THEN, I can attempt a fix.

> > I like to think of it as "bang your head on the wall until it falls over."  
> You're more likely to knock yourself unconscious.

Funny.  You take things too literally.  It was just an allusion.  :-)

> > I've listened to too many "mere users" complaining about us geeks 
> > not understanding them.  
> Mmmm, ...


> > We need to step up our game.]
> What's this "we" business?

Geeks.  The "normals" (mortals) out there don't understand us when we
try to answer their questions.  Haven't you noticed their eyeballs
rolling up into their heads?  :-|

[Sorry if I'm annoying any of you.  'Seems there's not a lot of mutt
here, so off-topic.  Stopping now.]

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)                                                     :(){ :|:& };:
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