On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 08:00:24AM -0500, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> > The **ONLY** way to not get an extra copy is **NOT** to get CC'd in the
> > first place (and vice versa; i.e you in To and list in CC). It is
> > disgusting that the list software decides whether to honor the headers
> > or not!!!!
> To my understanding, list software does not decide, except concerning MFT. 

It could though.  For instance, if the mailing list detected that one
of its recipients were already listed in the recipient list, it could
elect not to send a copy to that member.  I'm not saying it SHOULD do
this, and in fact I think it should not.  However, this and maybe a
few other similar things are possible.

> *The* problem is users not responding to list, "L", but rather to all, "g". 

There ARE valid reasons to do this.  For example, if the list you're
on is known to be slow, the receiver will get an answer faster if you
cc them.  Or even if the list you're on is not known to be slow, the
recipient is more likely to get a response faster if you copy them
directly.  Again, I'm not saying this should be standard practice.
I'm just saying that it's valid and not entirely unreasonable.

> The expectation of one reading/writing a list that they would
> continue to do so until unsubscribing, a statement that they no
> longer will read the list.  

...unless the expectation has explicitly been overridden.  

> Responding to "list" mail *should* be to the "list" unless op has
> *specifically* requested direct mail.  All other action is illogical
> and inefficient.  

Here's where I disagree.  There have been many, many times when I
wanted to send a private reply to a mailing list post.  Usually it's
because I have a remark that's not related to the post, per se.
Neither the mailing list software, nor my client software, should get
in the way of me replying however I damn well feel like replying.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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