On Saturday 16 Nov 2013 18:12:59 Martin Vegter wrote:
> Dear list,
> I have just installed mutt, and I am little bit confused. I can see my
> received emails, but I am not able to "switch" to my sent emails folder.
> Is this the way mutt is supposed to work (only reading received emails)?

This is what I have in my ~/.muttrc - not sure what the defaults are:

# Ctrl+n, Ctrl+p to select next/prev folder
# Ctrl+o to open selected folder
bind index \CP sidebar-prev
bind index \CN sidebar-next
bind index \CO sidebar-open

Can't recall what the keybinding is to jump to the next folder with unread 
messages ...

> Also, when I display a longer message, I can move down and up with
> page-Down and Page-Up. When at the end of the message, page-Down skips
> to the next message. This can be very confusing, because I don't
> sometimes notice I am reading the next message. Could somebody please
> advice if this can be disabled?

I use the space bar to page down (shift+space to page up) in a message.  This 
is what I have in ~/.muttrc to stop it going to the next message in the 

set pager_stop


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