On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 07:18:31AM -0600, David Champion wrote:

> > is it possible to create mulitpart/alternative message parts in the compose
> > screen?
> This patch adds what you need:
> https://bitbucket.org/dgc/mutt-dgc/raw/42d6f8d629ad3f0ceb7f4790013d3cec665d0df6/dgc.groupalts

Great! Thanks a lot. Will try it and give feedback later ...

> The <group-alternatives> binding for the componse menu (where you press 's'
> to send) combines selected attachments into a multipart/alternative group.
> The <move-up> and <move-down> bindings then allow you to change their order.

Sounds like its possible to do exactly what I want with this.

> > There exists some post send filter to achieve this but they do not work in
> > combination with encryption (and I do not have the sent copy in my archive)
> > 
> > Another idea: Is it possible to put the complete message to a tool from the
> > compose screen (which can parse and change it completely) and re-read it
> > afterwards? I thinks is would allow a lot of other feature too.
> I don't know offhand how you would generate the content. MIME is not that
> hard to write if you know the structure, but I don't know a tool off the top
> of my head that will generate it for you.

Since I would like to add more than just a html alternative based on markdown
(e.g. semantic annotation of parts of the message) - I will not use a ready
tool but a library. I've experimented with the Swift Mailer PHP Library and its
easy enough to use to have fast results.

> However, if you have one: a trick I have used for things of this flavor is
> to: * postpone the message * open your postponed folder as a regular mutt
> mailbox * find the postponed message * edit the raw mesage * save * sync * go
> back to your regular mutt session * recall the postponed message * finish and
> send

Do you think this can be encoded in a macro?

Best regards

Sebastian Tramp

WebID: http://sebastian.tramp.name

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