On 2014-04-19, Maurice McCarthy wrote:

>  On 18/04/2014, michael kaiser wrote:
> > Hallo all
> >
> > My mutt display a help line with any important keys.
> > Can I customize this line with my own favorite key-bindings?

>  Yes you can. See the Mutt manual. In mutt press F1 or see
>  http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual.txt and search for "key bindings".
>  You have to  use the bind command in ~/.muttrc or in Mutt running. You
>  have to restart Mutt to see the changes.

The question was not whether one can customize key bindings but
whether those key bindings can be displayed in the top line.

I'm pretty sure but not positive that that can't be done.


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