On Sun, Nov 02, 2014 at 07:28:06PM -0500, DaleKelly wrote:
> On 11/02/2014 06:53 PM, John Niendorf wrote:
> >Dale,
> >
> >For what it is worth I have this in my .muttrc file and I am able to
> >send and receive securly to my server.

I am using muttrc rather than .muttrc so you should check for both files.

> >
> >set smtp_url="smtps://j...@jfniendorf.org@secure_server.com/465"
> Thanks John, I have been working off my Muttrc file, I can't find my
> .muttrc file (might have edited it before, can't remember now)

You need to resolve this issue or you will have no idea what mutt is using
for config info. Try the following:

$ cd
$ find ./ -name muttrc
$ find ./ -name .muttrc

> tried your suggestion for smtp_url, didn't work

If this post hits the list then This Works For Me:

set pop_pass=blahblah
set pop_user=y...@your.com
set pop_host=pops://your.pop.server
set smtp_url=smtp://y...@your.smtp.server
set smtp_pass=blahblah

I see I am not using smtps, will try that shortly. It seems like it has been
using TLS on sends but who knows.

> also reinstalled a couple times

Don't do that unless you're on Windows (didn't read the whole thread).


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