On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 11:35:52AM -0500, Peter Davis wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 10:17:00AM -0600, David Champion wrote:
> > * On 12 Feb 2015, Peter Davis wrote: 
> > > I think I know the answer to this, and I think it's "no," but just for 
> > > fun, is there any way to use mutt with GMail's 2-phase authentication?
> > 
> > (The last time I checked) GMail doesn't support 2-factor with IMAP.  You
> > have to set up an "application-specific password" to enable 2-factor
> > for web and the mobile app, while still using IMAP.  This isn't
> > mutt-specific, it's for any IMAP client.
> Interesting. What I experienced is:

Aha! I'm sorry. I misinterpreted your reply. You mean I have to create an 
application-specific password to use IMAP once I've enabled
2-factor authentication. (I don't know where I got "authentification" from ... 
fingers on auto-pilot, I guess.)


Peter Davis
The Tech Curmudgeon

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