Xu Wang wrote:
> I would like set a folder hook for postponed messages, which I hope is
> run when I do "R" to change to the postponed folder.

When you use "R" you aren't really changing to the postponed folder. If
there is more than one postponed message, it will provide a list to
choose from, however it's not the same as the message index and so
folder-hooks are not run.

You may want to try using macros instead (these are untested):

macro index,pager R "<enter-command>set editor=vim<enter><recall-message>" 
"recall macro"
macro index,pager m "<enter-command>set editor=emacs<enter><mail>" "mail macro"
macro index,pager r "<enter-command>set editor=nano<enter><reply>" "reply macro"
macro index,pager g "<enter-command>set editor=ed<enter><group-reply>" "group 
reply macro"
macro index,pager L "<enter-command>set editor=pico<enter><list-reply>" "list 
reply macro"

Note that editor stays set after each macro, which is why I've created
it for all the other mailing commands.


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