On 2015-07-21 12:50 -0400, Peter P. wrote:

> I am sending mails using msmtp (msmtp-queue, to be exact). In the
> "References:" field of emails that I send back to mailing list using
> list-reply, I notice that the hostname of my local box is inserted, and
> would prefer to keep it out of there. I am not sure if this a mutt or an
> msmtp issue, please excuse me if this is inappropriate here. 
> Does anyone know of a way to suppress the own boxes hostname from that
> field in replies sent to lists?

The References header field is not free form: its meaning and syntax is
specified by RFC 2822.  Bascially, mutt has no choice in the matter, if
it wants to stay standard conforming.

You probably have asked the wrong question, and what you really want is
to change the Message-ID header of you outgoing emails.  You can do that
with the regular mutt my_hdr mechanism, although the manual warns
against it, and it is a bit tricky as I discovered myself.  Here's 2
lines from my muttrc:

send-hook . "my_hdr Message-ID: <\`mutt-message-id\`>"
send2-hook . "my_hdr Message-ID: <\`mutt-message-id\`>"

Here mutt-message-id is a script that generates the ID in a format I
like.  (But be very sure that the ID you generate is unique and conforms
to the standard.  You really need to read RFC 2822 if you do this.)

_Both_ lines are necessary to override the mutt-generated ID in all cases.

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