On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 09:38:49AM +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 17Sep2015 15:19, Ian Zimmerman <i...@buug.org> wrote:
> >On 2015-09-16 16:38 +0100, Samir Benmendil wrote:
> >> > mutt 1.5.21 - the version in Debian wheezy, which lots of us run for
> >> > unrelated reasons [1].  That said, I compile it from the source
> >> > package anyway, so I will get to upgrading it at some point.
> >
> >> Please do. According to the changelog, the f=f handling was fixed a mere
> >> two weeks after the 1.5.21 release, *5 years ago*.
> >
> >Well I still run the init system from 5 years ago, and I'm glad I do :P
> Indeedy. The more I learn about systemd the less I like it; I hope my Ubuntu 
> server never quietly moves to it.

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