On 2015-11-27, David Woodfall <d...@dawoodfall.net> wrote:
>>I'm currently using mutt in xterm, and I finally got tired of copy&paste
>>long urls (wrapped in multiple lines) from mutt to browser. Ideally, I'd
>>like to be able to open urls by clicking them.
>>It looks like xterm doesn't support clicking on urls, so I'm ready to
>>switch to any other terminal emulator which will support this feature.

It looks like it finally does (kinda).  From

UXTerm*VT100*translations: #override Shift <Btn1Up>: exec-formatted("firefox 
--new-tab '%t'", PRIMARY).

Select a link with a mouse and press Shift+click to open a link in
Firefox.  I tested this on a newest xterm compiled from
ftp://invisible-island.net/xterm/xterm.tar.gz and it works.  My way of
opening links is to use GNU screen without using a mouse:

bind f eval writebuf 'exec /bin/bash -c "firefox $(cat /tmp/screen-exchange)"'

However, both solutions require to mark the entire link (unlike
aforementioned Gnome terminal) before opening them so they are not
that comfortable if the link is very long.

Arkadiusz Drabczyk <arkadi...@drabczyk.org>

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