
It was tricky, but I got my .muttrc working so that I could send stuff out via the command line.

Until about two weeks ago, where mutt suddenly stopped sending out email and started complaining instead.

To shorten the story: this is what I use with Seamonkey.  Works fine.

Description           : astronaut
Server Name           : outgoing.verizon.net
Port                  : 465
Connection Security   : SSL/TLS
Authentication Method : Normal password
User Name             : astronaut

Of course, there is a password involved and its stored in Seamonkey's passwords file.

Now, on to .muttrc:

#set smtp_url="smtp://smtp.verizon.net:465"
#set smtp_url="smtps://astron...@smtp.verizon.net:465"
#set smtp_url="smtps://astron...@outgoing.verizon.net:465"
#set smtp_url="smtp://astron...@outgoing.verizon.net:465"
#set smtp_url="smtp://outgoing.verizon.net:465"
set smtp_url="smtp://outgoing.verizon.net:465/"
set smtp_pass="ELIDED"
set from="astron...@verizon.net"
set realname="C Campbell"
set editor="gvim"
set move=no
set smtp_authenticators="external:anonymous:plain:otp:skey:digest-md5:scram:ntlm:gssapi:browserid-aes128:eap-aes128"
ignore "Authentication-Results:"
ignore "DomainKey-Signature:"
ignore "DKIM-Signature:"
hdr_order Date From To Cc
alternative_order text/plain text/html *
set header_cache=~/.mutt/cache/headers
set message_cachedir=~/.mutt/cache/bodies
set certificate_file=~/.mutt/certificates
set smart_wrap=yes
set sort='threads'
set sort_aux='last-date-received'
# vim: ft=muttrc

You can see my some of my attempts at getting mutt to talk via smtp and messing around with smtp authenticators. None of them work.

Would someone please help?

Thank you,
Chip Campbell

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