On 2017-09-02 11:52, Kai Weber wrote:

> > > Error in /home/kai/.config/mutt/muttrc, line 13: header_cache:
> > > unknown variable
> > > source: errors in  /home/kai/.config/mutt/muttrc
> > 
> > Is this also the case if you build neomutt from source?
> Yes, Neomutt also has this problem.
> > This looks like a consequence of the choices made at build time.
> A plain "./configure --prefix $HOME/.local" results in the
> header_cache error.  Your suggestion to configure --with-kyotocabinet
> helped.

It was Kevin who suggested that.

Here is the command I used to build my gentoo package [1]:

./configure --disable-lua --disable-notmuch --enable-gpgme --with-gdbm
--without-mixmaster --without-tokyocabinet --without-kyotocabinet
--without-qdbm --without-bdb --without-lmdb --without-idn

I believe you simply need to configure _at least one_ of the database
backends, it is not done automatically.


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