On Thu, 03 May 2018, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
> On 2018-05-03 08:46, leo wrote:
> > In according to this discussion [1] I use this strategy: By default I
> > read html email in mutt (with elinks).  When the message can not be
> > handled well by elinks I hit "v", I choose the html part and I watch
> > it with firefox.
> > 
> > This is the part in my muttrc:
> > 
> > bind  attach  <return>  view-mailcap
> > alternative_order text/plain text/html
> > unauto_view *
> > auto_view text/html
> > 
> > And this the mailcap:
> > 
> > text/html;  firefox %s;
> > text/html;  elinks -dump %s; nametemplate=%s.html; copiousoutput
> How does mutt know to prefer the elinks entry initially?

If you have auto_view set for a file type, mutt will use a mailcap entry that 
has the
copiousoutput option set. And only if you view the mail attachments (v) and 
then open
the attachment (<Enter>), mutt considers other mailcap entries. See the muttrc 
page for more information ;)


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