On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 08:49:09AM -0400, José María Mateos wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 08:26:42PM -0700, Tom Fowle wrote:
> > As more isps and email providers require two factor authentication, I 
> > hope mutt will support this  security system!
> Doesn't mutt already "support" this? I use Fastmail with 2FA enabled. 
> What I do then is to generate an app-specific password which is the one 
> I use in the mutt configuration. There's not much to support, it's just 
> a different password, unless there's something I'm not getting right.

I do this too, with Gsuite (for work).

But that's not really "supporting" 2FA auth; the provider is making a
way to bypass 2FA for convenience. I think if Mutt were actually
supporting it, there would be a way to have hooks to enter both password
and passphrase.

Because of the different auth schemes used for this (and presumably lack
of support in the IMAP protocol), I'm guessing it might be pretty
difficult to implement this.


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