On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 02:10:29PM +0100, Ben Oliver wrote:
> On 18-06-12 08:49:09, José María Mateos wrote:
> >On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 08:26:42PM -0700, Tom Fowle wrote:
> >>As more isps and email providers require two factor authentication, I
> >>hope mutt will support this  security system!
> >
> >Doesn't mutt already "support" this? I use Fastmail with 2FA enabled.
> >What I do then is to generate an app-specific password which is the one
> >I use in the mutt configuration. There's not much to support, it's just
> >a different password, unless there's something I'm not getting right.
> Yes as far as I am concerned it's on the email provider to give you
> app-specific password functionality.
> If you want real 2FA, ie you require a token every time you open mutt, then
> I would recommend using gpg to encrypt your password and access it that way.
> Then you can use a smart card to store your gpg key (yubikey, nitrokey) and
> gnupg will only decrypt your password when it is present.
> The benefit of this is that you can use the same key to sign and encrypt
> messages. 2 in 1!
> As far as I know, TOTP (like Google Authenticator etc) is not part of the
> authentication protocols supported by email. What you see as 2-FA are
> usually just used to protect web front-ends. I might be way off the mark
> though.

Thanks, I'll look into this if necessary, but my email is not that critical
I hope.
Tom Fowle

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