
My company uses PGP/GPG when sending sensitive material through email.
Unfortunately (for them and me), most people use Outlook and our IT
guy refuses to install any Outlook plugin for them to properly handle
encypted emails.  Consequently, I receive such sensitive material as
traditional, PGP which the Outlook users have copied and pasted the
output from PGP into the email.  They have to copy and paste the other
direction through PGP when they receive encrypted email.

When the traditional PGP is sent to me as text/plain, Mutt handles it
just fine automatically and I silently laugh at the hoops the Outlook
users have to jump through to send and receive encrypted email.
However, after a recent Outlook upgrade/reinstall, I now frequently
receive the traditional PGP as text/html.  Mutt doesn't recognize the
traditioinal PGP after after the entire html part gets sent through
w3m as directed by my .mailcap.  I've given up politely asking people
to remember to send email as either both text/html and text/plain or
just text/plain when sending to me.  It's a losing battle. :(

Anyway, I'd hoped the unrecognition of the traditional PGP in HTML was
due to the formatting done by w3m.  Outlook adorns the pssted in text
with additional <p> and <span> tags that cause w3m to double-space the
output making it look like the following.  Links2 does the same thing.


Version: PGP Desktop 10.2.1 (Build 4461)

Charset: utf-8


I've since written a filter to preprocess the HTML and remove the
extra formatting before passing it to w3m.  The traditional PGP coming
out of w3m is now properly formatted.  Alas, Mutt doesn't recognize it
and automatically decrypt it.

Is there anyway I can get Mutt to recognize the traditional PGP after
going through my filter and w3m?

If not, I'm going to have to write another filter to postprocess the
text coming from w3m to recognize traditional PGP and decrypt it while
leaving any surrounding text.  Unconditionally running the output
through gpg -d doesn't work.  gpg errors out when there isn't any
encrypted part to decrypt and also doesn't preserve the surrounding
text.  Even if I can get this postprocessing to work, Mutt won't know
that the original email was encrypted and automatically encrypt any
replies I send.

David Engel

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