On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 20:29:22 +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> They're on a fast SSD on the same system as mutt is running on so
> 'very expensive' is probably not an issue.

Typical tools like `ls` don't know that. GUI browsers might be smarter,
but that hasn't been consistent IME. Not sure about terminal browsers so

> As I said 'very expensive' may not be an issue.

Maybe there's an option to do so in whatever you are browsing?

> ?? I'm a bit lost here, you recommend a "maildir browser" and say "...
> which mutt is very good at", so is mutt a maildir browser?

It essentially is... Shows the subjects rather than whatver wacky
filenames actually exists on disks too. You seem to be asking direfctory
browsers to rush towards the Law of Software Envelopment:

    Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those
    programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can.

For email stored in files, use an email-aware program. Mutt is one of


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