On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 09:07:29PM +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 24Jan2021 22:04, boB Stepp <robertvst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >5)  I am able to view HTML emails via w3c, but I get weekly (and some
> >daily) emails from news aggregation services like Pycoders Weekly,
> >TLDR, etc., that have embedded links that never show up in the w3c
> >display.
> I'm using "lynx -stdin -dump"; you could see if that is better rendered.  
> It tends to fill things in as a footnote style, with the link text 
> followed by, say, "[1]" and at the bottom a:
>     [1] https://url/here
> >If I find I want to view an interesting article I have to
> >fire up the Gmail interface and click on it there.  I have not been
> >able to resolve this one and it is quite annoying to seemingly have to
> >leave Mutt to access these articles in my browser.
> My terminal emulator (iTerm on a Mac) highlights URLs and lets me click 
> on them; that pops up the URL in my web browser directly. Maybe your 
> terminal emulator has such a feature? Otherwise there's the traditional 
> copy/paste provided the URLs is visible in the terminal.
> Also, if w3m or lynx is better for some article you could maybe switch 
> depending on where the article came from or something. That's getting 
> pretty fiddly. There's also pandoc; you could use "pandoc -f html -t 
> plain" and see what sort of rendering it does.
> Cheers,
> Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

I do it this way (under Ubuntu):

In .mailcap I have 
        text/html; store_html %s; needsterminal; copiousoutput;
and the script store_html contains:
        cp $1 $SAVE
        elinks -dump -dump-charset UTF-8 -default-mime-type text/html $SAVE
        opera file://$SAVE
        exit 0
Now, when I select a message in html-format, I see it immediately in the 



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