My online research into "notmuch" does not seem to be giving my expected
results.  My _expectations_ going into this were that with "notmuch" I

1) Open an email in Mutt.

2) Based on that email and its contents assign relevant tags to the email
via notmuch.  These tags would prove useful in the future when searching
for tagged content.

3) From within Mutt I could initiate a notmuch search across _all_ of my
mail directories.  After notmuch returns the search results I could open
any of these emails from within Mutt.

4) Et cetera.  Meaning similar types of actions initiated from *within*
Mutt.  That seems to be key.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding what I am finding online.  I see that
installing notmuch from my system's package manager should be easy, though
I probably won't get the latest, greatest.  Initial configuration would
seems to be easily done from the command line.  Initial indexing seems to
be easily done from the command line.  It looks like I need to install the
notmuch-mutt package.  But after that it does not appear obvious from what
I am reading that my above expectations are realistic.

Can someone clarify what I can and cannot do with notmuch from *within*
Mutt?  Provide more informative online articles then perhaps I have found?


Wishing you only the best,

boB Stepp

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