On Tue, Jun 21, 2022 at 08:47:31AM +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:
On 20Jun2022 11:15, Kevin J. McCarthy <ke...@8t8.us> wrote:
With $allow_ansi, Mutt will interpret ansi sequences _it understands_
and convert them to curses calls.  I don't currently have viu available
to play with, but perhaps it's emitting sequences Mutt doesn't

How hard is it to extend this? Not asking you to do it, asking how
painful it is. I'd like to add pass through for SIXEL support

The existing code isn't that complicated, because it's just converting the sequences into ncurses attribute calls.

Handling bitmaps is a different story. First, because you'd need to find out what (if any) support there is with ncurses. But on top of that the Mutt pager rendering would need to be expanded to take them into account, along with all the fun options involving line wrapping, markers, etc.

Kevin J. McCarthy
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