Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:

> With $allow_ansi, Mutt will interpret ansi sequences _it understands_ and
> convert them to curses calls.
Interesting!  This explains some of my observations.

> Try setting TERM=xterm-256color, or add "xterm.termName: xterm-256color" to
> your .Xresources file
Wow, you're great!  That helped although I do not understand why.
Running viu (or any other image to ansi converter) in the same xterm works
nicely.  But for running it from within mutt the TERM variable has to be
set to "xterm-256color" to make it work.  Any idea why mutt behaves differently 

And thanks a lot for your pointer to chafa!  It's quality is a lot better than 

Followup question: can I make mutt run a different mailcap command when
replying (and quoting the mail)?  Because the editor (emacs, vim) doesn't
understand the ANSI characters and then shows a long unreadable section. :-)


 Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make
 yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you
 like it or not.  (Thomas Henry Huxley)

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