
Some of the less talented visually impaired users were wondering if
anyone has come up with a muttrc file that works with a tmpdir inside

I attach what I've come up with so far.

I can receive gmx.com mail, I can send gmx.com mail, but when starting
mutt, I have to change folders to INBOX.

Also I haven't figured out how to save a copy of my sent meil to my
gmx sent filder.

Below my signature is the pasted file, it still is dirty from having
other entries left over from gmail, but these have been commented out
with an # at the beginning of the line.

The file is also attached.


David Ring

#### =========================== muttrc =================

### ~/.mutt/muttrc

## Change the following lines to match your GMX account details
## For a bit more information and password encryption instructions go
to the Mutt set-up article
## If you must use pop change imap to pop, change port numbers, etc.
set imap_user = "usern...@gmx.com"
set imap_pass = "MYGMXEMAILPASSWORD"
set smtp_url = "smtp://usern...@gmx.com:mygmxemailpassw...@mail.gmx.com:587/"
set ssl_force_tls       = yes
set ssl_starttls        = yes
set smtp_pass = "MYGMXEMAILPASSWORD"
set from = "usern...@gmx.com"
set realname = "MY REAL NAME"
## Comment the next line or change to no to put sig below quoted message(s)
set sig_on_top = yes
set signature="~/.mutt/sig"

# Change the following line if you prefer a different editor.
set editor = "nano"
# This line changes the spelling checker to aspell from less modern ispell
# set ispell="aspell -e -c"

## Basic config, you can leave this as is in most cases
# Not sure if timeout and keepalive value tweaking will help
intermittent connection issues
# (time values are in seconds)
set wait_key = no
set folder = "imaps://imap.gmx.com:993"
set spoolfile = "+GMX"
set imap_check_subscribed
set hostname = gmx.com
set mail_check = 150
set beep_new
set connect_timeout = 25
set timeout = 300
# Keep IMAP connection alive by polling intermittently
set imap_keepalive = 180
# Allow Mutt to open new imap connection automatically
unset imap_passive
set postponed = "+[GMX]/Drafts"
# set postpone=ask-yes
#set record = "+[gmx]/Sent Mail"
set header_cache=~/.mutt/cache/headers
set message_cachedir=~/.mutt/cache/bodies

## You may need to create your tmpdir in some situations.
set tmpdir = ~/.mutt/tmpdir
set certificate_file=~/.mutt/certificates
set alias_file=~/.mutt/aliases
set move = no
set honor_followup_to = ask-yes

## Date Format ##
set date_format="%d %b %R"

## Index Sorting ##
#set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d %t} %-15.15L (%4l) %s"
set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d %H:%M} %-15.15L (%?l?%4l&%4c?) %s"

## Automatically includes quote of the original msg in replies
# set include

## If you want to be asked whether to include quoted message(s)
 set include=ask-yes

## Asks whether to forward non plain text mime types attached as they
came or to convert to inline plain text
set mime_forward = ask-no
set sort = 'threads'
set sort_aux = 'reverse-last-date-received'

## The next two are set oposite of default if uncommented. *(needs more study)
#set strict_threads = yes
#set sort_re = no
set auto_tag = yes

## Reminds you of missing subject&unmodified or empty body with msg
sent as default
set abort_nosubject = ask-no
set abort_unmodified = ask-no
ignore "Authentication-Results:"
ignore "DomainKey-Signature:"
ignore "DKIM-Signature:"
hdr_order Date From To Cc Bcc
set attribution = "\n  %n wrote:\n%d\n"

## Character or string to appear at the start of quoted lines in replys
set indent_string = "> "
set forward_format = "[FWD: %a] %s"
set mailcap_path        = ~/.mutt/mailcap
#auto_view text/html
#set implicit_autoview = yes

##  Uncomment below to read plain text instead of html when both formats exist.
#alternative_order text/plain text/html *
set folder_format = "%2C %f %8s %d %t %F %-8.8u %N %d"

## Scrolls one line at a time, i.e. smoothly scrolls, instead of only
moving up or down by whole pages, screen-fulls if you will
set menu_scroll = yes

## Read and write progress messages update frequency: The value is a
number of messages.
set read_inc = 20
set write_inc = 10

## Some useful extra key bindings
## Improve tab completion: complete address aliases with tab...
bind attach <return>    view-mailcap
#bind editor <Tab> complete        # default Mutt setting
# bind editor ^T complete-query
# unset query_command               # default Mutt setting
bind editor <space> noop

## Optimize copy and save to show mailbox list without prompting
## Use numbers to jump directly to a mailbox, i.e. skip arrowing
macro index,pager C "<copy-message>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "copy a
message to a mailbox"
macro index,pager s "<save-message>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "move a
message to a mailbox"

##This configuration provides encryption via gpgme&gpg;  auto-signing
is default for all.
##Also stores encrypted mail as such, I.E. sent folder
## Uncomment the encrypt-to line in ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf and fill in your key-id.
## Don't forget to replace your-key-id with your key id below in the
pgp_sign_as line!
#set pgp_use_gpg_agent = yes
## Use GPGME
#set crypt_use_gpgme = yes
## Sign all email by default
#set crypt_autosign = yes
 # Encrypt replies to encrypted email
#set crypt_replyencrypt = yes
## Attempt to verify email signatures automatically
#set crypt_verify_sig = yes
## In case keys can be validated via DNS
#set crypt_use_pka=yes
## This remembers your email account PW for 5 hours which has its
security implications.
## Control f, "^f"  should forget passphrase(s) stored in memory.
#set pgp_timeout=18000
#set pgp_good_sign="^gpg: Good sig from"

# pgp message decoding settings - use either one, the second one works
with inline
#message-hook '!(~g|~G) ~b"^-----BEGIN\ PGP\ (SIGNED\ )?MESSAGE"'
"exec check-traditional-pgp"
#set pgp_auto_decode = yes

## Keybindings for custom macros that add useful functionality to Mutt
## View Documentation in browser so you can use hyperlinks to quickly
get to what you need to know
macro generic,index,pager <f1> "!lynx
/usr/share/doc/mutt/manual.html\n" "Show Mutt documentation"
## Use sorta script to put aliases in alphabetical order
macro generic,index,pager 0 "!~/.mutt/sorta\n" "Sort Aliases"
## Turn on fast reply
macro generic,index,pager + "<enter-command> set fast_reply = yes\n"
## Turn off fast reply; show header fields to edit before entering message body
macro generic,index,pager _ "<enter-command> set fast_reply = no\n"
##switch to GUI editor, coded to gedit for the moment
macro generic,index,pager ge "<enter-command>set editor = \"gedit\"\n"
"Use GUI Editor"
##switch back to CLI editor, currently hard-coded to nano
macro generic,index,pager ^te "<enter-command>set editor = \"nano\"\n"
"Use CLI Editor"
## Switch signature between above and below quoted message(s)
macro generic,index,pager Aq "<enter-command> set sig_on_top = yes\n"
macro generic,index,pager Bq "<enter-command> set sig_on_top = no\n"

### Some useful alt configurations
## I've left some options that I sometimes switch to in place above
commented out for easy changes.
## Uncomment any of the alt settings found below and paste in to the
appropriate section.
## For desired results do not forget to comment or delete conflicting lines
## E.G. sign all will obviously override the following option
## Sign replies to signed messages
# set crypt_replysign = yes

 # Encrypt and sign replies to encrypted and signed email
#  set crypt_replysignencrypted = yes

## Do not encrypt copies of messages in sent mail folder
#set fcc_clear = no

## color

# Palette for use with the Linux console.  Black background.

color hdrdefault blue black
color quoted blue black
color signature blue black
color attachment red black
color prompt brightmagenta black
color message brightred black
color error brightred black
color indicator brightwhite red
color status brightgreen blue
color tree white black
color normal white black
color markers red black
color search white black
color tilde brightmagenta black
color index blue black ~F
color index brightgreen black "~h \"Content-Type: multipart/mixed\"
color index brightgreen black "~N|~O"

# color body brightwhite black '\*+[^*]+\*+'
# color body brightwhite black '_+[^_]+_+'

## color messages with attachments
# three different suggestions
#folder-hook . 'color index green black "~X 1-"'
#folder-hook . 'color index green black "~h \"Content-Type: multipart/mixed\""'
#folder-hook . 'color index green black "~X \"Content-Type: multipart/mixed\""'

set mime_forward=yes

### END of muttrc ###

Attachment: muttrc
Description: Binary data

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