Those worked, but I still have a problem saving my mail.

This works without an error but it still doesn't save my mail>

set record="Sent"

That's the name of the folder I can see by pressing c to change folders.


On Sat, Aug 6, 2022 at 12:59 AM Daniel Tameling
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> > Also I haven't figured out how to save a copy of my sent meil to my
> > gmx sent filder.
> I also had this problem when adapting my mutt configuration from gmail to 
> (I download the mail with mbsync instead of using imap in mutt, but this 
> should still apply)
> I had to add this to my configuration:
> set copy="yes"
> set record="+Gesendet"
> You just need to find out, what your sent folder is called and use that in 
> record.
> btw: at least the German gmx uses a flat folder structure. So I don't need 
> the [GMX]/ you have in your config.
> > I can receive mail, I can send mail, but when starting
> > mutt, I have to change folders to INBOX.
> Did you try
> set spoolfile=+INBOX
> --
> Best,
> Daniel

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