On 2022-08-28  7:15pm, void wrote:
> What I want is, if i'm typing in a line and it goes over 72 chars, to
> newline at that point intelligently.

It could be that in vimrc you have

filetype on
filetype plugin on

Which will make vim recognize that the mutt temp file you are editing is of the 
'mail' filetype, and it will in turn apply particular settings to edit that 

Vim looks in its $VIMRUNTIME path for a filetype plugin called 'mail.vim'. In 
that file are settings to be used when editing mutt email, to include line wrap 
settings, quote characters, cursor placement (iirc), etc.

:set runtimepath?

…will lead you to the filetype-associated paths. If this isn't the issue, you 
can at least check it off the list of things to examine.


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