On 2022/08/28 14:15, void wrote:

I'm trying to get things so that emails composed and replied to in mutt do not have to be manually edited with hard returns each time.

What I want is, if i'm typing in a line and it goes over 72 chars, to newline at that point intelligently.
I've tried variations of
set editor="vim +':set textwidth=68' +':set wrapmargin=0' +':set wrap'"
set editor="vim +':set textwidth=0' +':set wrapmargin=0' +':set wrap'"
set editor="vim +':set textwidth=72' +':set wrapmargin=5'"

and in .vimrc
set textwidth=72

to no effect.

I don't know if this is a mutt issue or a vim issue or both/none. Where should I be looking?

I think it's vim.

The Mutt manual's section on test/plain format=flowed says, "...vim provides the w flag for its formatoptions setting to assist in creating f=f messages, see :help fo-table for details."


If you're not doing format=flowed, you probably don't want w, but maybe a? I haven't used any of that stuff (I don't use vim).

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