On Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 02:48:55PM -0500, Derek Martin <inva...@pizzashack.org> 

> The bottom line is there is absolutely no reason why hard-wrapped
> lines of plain text at 72 characters should ever need to display
> unreadably for any desktop user, or even anyone on any reasonable
> mobile device which can rotate lines parallel to their longer side,
> that doesn't boil down to the choice of the user.  Flouting the
> standards is a bad habit to be in.  They exist for good reason; if you
> choose to abandon them you do so at your own peril, and the rest of us
> should not be expected to accommodate you.
> -- 
> Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
> -=-=-=-=-

I hard wrap at 55 to leave plenty of room for later
quoting. I often receive replies from MUAs that wrap
quoted text badly (as though they don't know what
quoted text is) and so I try to reduce the likelihood
of that.

Strangely, it seems that some MUAs that treat each line
as a paragraph seem to insert an additional newline
after each line in what they quote as part of a reply,
so I receive replies with a quoted blank line between
each original line. It's almost as though they want to
think that each line is a separate paragraph on input,
but they're not entirely convinced, so for output, they
make sure it's a "real" paragraph by adding a blank
line between each input "paragraph". It doesn't make a
lot of sense. Either a newline marks a paragraph or it
doesn't. They can't make up their minds.

I sometimes spend time cleaning up this sort of thing
(or just removing quote trails), but it would never
occur to me to complain to the sender about the
formatting of their email. There's no point.

Similarly, noone has ever complained about my emails.
They might (or might not) have seen them as untidy, but
I don't agree that that makes them any less effective
as a means of communication. And I wouldn't worry about
a recipient thinking that my emails aren't as nice as
someone else's. The content of one person's emails
would never be the same as the content of someone
else's emails, so there is no meaning to any comparison
like that.

The best definition of technology that I ever heard
was: "Anything that doesn't work properly yet". Once
technology works properly, we give it a permanent name
like chair, or hammer, or pencil. :-) So it's best if
everyone just cuts everyone else a lot of slack when it
comes to what technology does to our written
communications. If someone has too much trouble doing
that, for whatever reason (and I'm sure there are valid
reasons), and they are receiving emails that do bother
them to read, they could consider not reading emails on
phones. There are many other reasons to not read email
on phones. This might just be another one. Even
excluding the whole short attention-span dopamine
training thing, I know someone who is often very
frustrated with the mail app on their iphone for often
not being able to display emails that it composed and
sent, complaining that the sender created a malformed
email (a bug people have complained about for 10+ years
that shows no sign of every being fixed), or emails
from one person that are displayed with a different
person altogether as the sender). In the grand scheme
of things, lines that aren't all the same length seems
unimportant. But it's obviously fun to talk about. :-)

It would have been great if all of the obvious suspects
had been willing at any point in the last 20+ years to
pay just one of their many thousands of programmers to
spend a little time to implement format=flowed. That
would be the best solution to this "problem". But it
seems they really really don't want that solution to
exist for some reason best known only to themselves. I
don't think it's fair or reasonable to blame the
senders of emails for a problem caused by the company
that created the deliberately limited MUA that the
recipient uses, let alone expect those senders to all
individually solve the problem. I'd use format=flowed
if there was any point, but it doesn't seem that there
is. It never makes sense to expect a large number of
entities to each solve a problem that could be solved
by a tiny number of (more powerful) entities. It's just
not efficient or practical or likely to work reliably.


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