On 19Nov2022 07:55, Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au> wrote:
On 18Nov2022 09:38, Kevin J. McCarthy <ke...@8t8.us> wrote:
 source ~/rc/mutt/aliases-auto
8407 aliases, nearly 2MB in size :-)
Yes, Mutt's internal structures used for aliases are not designed for that many.

It's not the number of aliases. I've just stripped the generation down to the 2 that I really use: htmlers and polyname, 85 lines and 5kB.

The issue is my index colouring, specificly this line:

    color index white default  "((~P|%f polyname ~h '^from:.*cameron simpson')) | 
(~v ~((~P|%f polyname ~h '^from:.*cameron simpson')))"

This colours messages as white if they're from me or from a polyname and the "from:" header contains my name (mailing lists where the from address part is the list, not the author, but the descriptive name contains the author - increasingly common). Same colour for a collapsed thread.

I use this see threads in which I participate coloured in white so that they stand out.

This single line is the source of the slowness in the python folder load.

It sure looks like it is being applied to the entire folder contents, instead of only the lines being displayed. That is a massive performance hit for a big folder. Is that the case?

There are only 8 addresses in the "polyname" alias/group.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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