On Tue, Dec 06, 2022 at 12:24:58AM +0100, Andy Spiegl wrote:
I'm trying to bind the "j" key to the function "sidebar-next" if the sidebar is 
The only doable way seems to be using muttlisp.
I tried to follow the example in the mutt manual but I'm failing to write this 
tiny piece of lisp code.
Could someone help me please to correct the follwing?
Or maybe there is a better/easier way to do this?

# sidebar     visible  -->  bind index j next-undeleted
# sidebar NOT visible  -->  bind index j sidebar-next
bind index j '                                    \
 (or                                             \
   (if (not $sidebar_visible) 'next-undeleted')  \
   ('sidebar-next')                              \
 )                                               \

Try something like:

set muttlisp_inline_eval

bind index j (if (equal $sidebar_visible "yes")  \
                 'sidebar-next'                  \

The muttlisp can't be inside quotes, so I removed the outer single

Also, boolean variables evaluate to "yes" or "no".  I will add this to
the documentation.

Hope that helps.

Kevin J. McCarthy
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