> Lisa, I imagine that you are well aware of what I'm recommending below but 
> I thought I should add it to the conversation.

You talked about wanting to visualize the overall project as an aide to 
understanding it and getting it organized. Two leading visualization 
techniques (there are others) are Gantt and Pert. The Pert chart presents 
the project as a collection of bubbles, each representing a task, or a 
group of tasks, or a deliverable, and arrows representing dependencies. In 
my opinion the Pert is especially helpful for taking a jumble of tasks and 
turning them into a well organized project. The Gantt presents the project 
as a series of bars against a timeline. In my opinion the Gantt is 
especially helpful during execution of a project to see what's done, what's 
running late, what's impacted and how to recover. 

One other technique that bears mentioning is CPM, the Critical Path Method. 
If you have recorded all of the tasks, have correctly identified the 
dependencies of each, have estimated all of the resources (including your 
time, other people's time, and other scheduled resources such as use of the 
shop vac) and the amount of time needed of each resource, as well as the 
amount of time per day each resource is available, then CPM will tell you 
which tasks you have can work on today in order to bring the whole project 
to the quickest possible completion, and which tasks really can and should 
wait. If you find yourself in the familiar situation where the project 
quickly moves to somewhere between 50% and 99% complete and then stalls, 
using up lots of time and effort but getting no closer to completion, then 
you need cpm.

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