My friend

IMHO, you ask to many questions in one thread :)

I will reply to the question about the icons.
See attached image. The answer is there.

Best regards

среда, 3 декабря 2014 г., 23:39:16 UTC+2 пользователь John Smith написал:
> Andrei
> I have now had a very good look at MLO and I can not for the life of me 
> work out how you generated that image(!). 
> Is that done through the standard "All tasks" view?  What are those icons 
> that look like baskets and why are two of them red? I am using Windows 7 
> (x64) and I can not find anything similar in any view that I have been able 
> to create in any of my views.
> I don't think I understand what you mean by "TREE". Is it the structure of 
> Folders that I would see for example in the standard "All tasks" view?  My 
> problem is that if I build a Tree structure using directories to reflect 
> the GTD Areas of Focus, then it seems to me that this will interfere with 
> using 'drag and drop' to manually change the sort order in on order to put 
> the more important stuff at the top of the page. 
> <>
> But looking more closely at your screenshot, you have got one row to 
> appear for each of your (what I assume to be) Context tags. How did you 
> create that? Is each row something you created manually or is it some 
> clever View that I have not found yet?
> I have also spent quite a lot of time reading and trying to understand 
> David Allens GTD method. And I am still not clear what the best way would 
> be to implement things to allow me to quickly filter my view to just focus 
> on any one of the Contexts. (e.g. Should I set up an entire View and/or 
> tab/Workspace for each Context?) 
> Likewise in GTD you have "Someday-Maybe" and "Delegation/Waiting-For" 
> lists. Is the best way to do this to manually move each task/project into a 
> specially named folder at (say) the bottom of my screen (called something 
> like "Someday-Maybe") and to make sure that the folder has "hide branch in 
> To-Do" ticked, so as to stop it from appearing in the "To-do" views?  Are 
> there any other options?
> Because moving things is a slightly painful thing to do. And yes, even if 
> you use F3 to help you - it's certainly a lot more than just a few 
> keystrokes. Is there no other/faster way to get something out of the way 
> and stop appearing on the To-do lists?
> And what about using Context tags?  For example I see you have something 
> called @WaitingFor. Is that a folder with that name or a Context tag? Is it 
> both? If both why do you bother having the Context tag at all... given that 
> moving the item into that folder would presumably stop the item from 
> appearing on the To-do list?
> Also I notice you have folders called "Work Actions" and "Home Actions" 
> and then another pair of folders called "Work Projects and Actions" and 
> "Home Projects and Actions". Where then do you actually keep your GTD 
> Projects? I mean are you physically separating an Actions from the Project 
> that it belongs to. Or do you keep Actions that have no project associated 
> with them in a completely different place from Actions that are part of 
> Projects. If so what is the benefit of doing this? And either way roughly 
> how many of each one do you have at any one time... and if that's a fairly 
> large number (e.g. over say 10) how do you decide which to next? 
> With thanks
> J
> On Tuesday, December 2, 2014 9:35:11 AM UTC, Andrei Bacean wrote:
>> Hi John 
>> The hardest thing, imho, is to create a simple, easy to understand, TREE. 
>> Yes, I say TREE. 
>> The TREE is the base of your GTD system. But views, tabs, contexts are 
>> instruments which u use to obtain more benefits from the tree. 
>> The TREE has to be simple, intuitive and easy to view. You dont have to 
>> feel any discomfort when you look at it. 
>> If instead you think that the tree is complicated then you may STOP at 
>> this moment, don't play with views, tabs and so on. GO BACK to the tree and 
>> try to simplify it, reorganize it. If you think that you achieved what you 
>> want, and the tree is perfect, then leave it for 1 day. Look at it again 
>> the next day in the morning, then in the afternoon and also in the evening. 
>> Do you think it's also perfect as before?? 
>> If yes, then slowly, step by step play with Tabs, Views, Contexts but 
>> remember to not make significant changes to the tree in a hurry. 
>> To create a system that works for you is a hard thing. That's why don't 
>> hurry, but step by step try to improve your tree, and when you think that 
>> it's perfect, only then, play with views and tabs. 
>> Ps 
>> The Tree may be customized using different fonts for top parrent, using 
>> diffenent colors for urgent tasks, using icons instead of classic folders 
>> example 
>> use CAPITALIZATION for top folders instead of normal text and so on... 
>> But at the base of any tree is the information and not the formatting. 
>> So, try to search in this group for examples of use, to see more examples 
>> of trees. Also play with templates offered by MLO Application(menu file/new 
>> and then choose a template). Browse also the mlo blog, Andrei (the 
>> developer) posted a topic about his MLO tree. Read also more carefully the 
>> MLO help file (press F1). 
>> I wish you to not hurry but to build your perfect system step by step. 
>> Good luck 
>> Andrei B 

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