This is one of those times when, as John Smith pointed out, it would have 
been good to be able to edit my original post.  I can't, because this is a 
conversation thread rather than an article, so I'm attaching the corrected 
<_About SLWE GTD Icons 2014-10-22.txt> file to this reply.


On Saturday, 27 December 2014 21:47:42 UTC, Stéph wrote:
> Oops! Thanks for pointing out the error. Very sloppy of me - my apologies 
> to David Allen (and to Alan Davies, the comedian).

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__About SLWE's GTD Icons__
22 October 2014

_Creative Commons Licence_

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License 
(CC BY 3.0)

You are free to use these icons in any way, but must not place any additional 
restrictions on sharing them.
If sharing them or using them commercially, you must attribute the creator:

Stéphane English


These icons are designed to represent common "Contexts" used in the 
productivity methodology described in "Getting Things Done - The Art of 
Stress-Free Productivity" by David Allen. Example contexts might include @home, 
@work, @call, @online, @errand, @someday-maybe. There are also a few 
%-completion icons and ones related to engineering disciplines.

They have been designed as flat icons, as simple as possible while still 
retaining a distinctive shape.  Saturated but darkened colours have been used 
(reasonably consistently) to represent groups of contexts, as follows:

Red - communication
Green - home ("the green, green grass of home" anyone?)
Blue - work ("blue collar workers")
Purple - customer / boss ("the customer is king")
Pink - away from base, on site
Orange - errands and travel
Grey - waiting, pending
Light blue - reading, reference sources

The combination of simple, distinctive shapes and a limited palate of block 
colours is intended to ensure quick and accurate identification of icons. 
Complicated, feint and embellished graphics have been shown to distract a user, 
force their eyes to rest longer on an item to identify it and slow down their 
use of a graphical user interface.

Two sizes of icon have been provided, specifically to suit the MyLifeOrganized 
Windows software (available from  16x16 icons 
can be used in-line in task Automatic Formatting.  48x48 icons are suited to 
mark filters and tabs.

I hope you find these useful. Enjoy.


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