I have worked it out in Win 10.

*Make a link to MLO from TheBrain*

This makes a link from the content area of a thought in TheBrain to a task 
in the main pane in MLO.


   1. Right click on the task
   2. “Copy as > Copy as URL” in the context menu

In TheBrain:

   1. Click the “Attach” button
   2. Click “Link to URL”
   3. Paste into the box that appears
   4. The link appears under the thought title in the note. It can be 
   renamed through its context menu.

*Make a link to TheBrain from MLO*

To make a link to a thought in TheBrain from a markdown note in Task 
Preview mode in MLO:

In TheBrain, right click on the thought and choose "Copy Local Thought URL" 
from the context menu.

In MLO, in the Task Properties pane (in Task Edit mode), type in the notes 

Use square brackets and parentheses to create the link:

[label](Local Thought URL)

label: Text that shows in Task Preview mode in the Task Properties pane.

Local Thought URL: Link address to the thought in TheBrain.

The steps to achieve this are left to the student.

On Thursday, July 28, 2022 at 4:37:52 PM UTC-5 zel...@gmail.com wrote:

> Thanks for the reply. That sounds like a job for a macro. I will keep it 
> in mind.
> I am able to make the link work in MLO by adding the markdown edits [ ]( ) 
> like so:
> [brainlink](brain://api.thebrain.com/mNjJ/LinkMLOToAThoughtInTheBrain) 
> On Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 5:51:39 AM UTC-5 zel...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I am trying to marry MLO with TheBrain. Both generate links to tasks and 
>> thoughts respectively. 
>> I am able to generate a link to a task (mlo://G:\MLO\
>> mytasks.ml?{009CC443-9681-4A1E-973A-0538C29E6C2C} 
>> <http://mytasks.ml?%7B009CC443-9681-4A1E-973A-0538C29E6C2C%7D>) in MLO 
>> and use it in TheBrain.
>> However, MLO Task Notes does not execute a link generated by TheBrain 
>> (brain://api.thebrain.com/mNjJ/LinkMLOToAThoughtInTheBrain). 
>> Any ideas?

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