Hi Marc,

> Thanks Jacques & Christopher,
> you are telling on your site (compliment, really nice work), that your
> MySQLX-component is quicker then ODBC.
> Any benchmarking about it ?

Yes, although not prominent, we've had this on your site for a while:
This was done almost a year ago using a (winnt) MySQL table with 40 fields
and 10 000 records, giving a comparison on the most used functions on a
table, scrolling, posting, deleting, inserting, etc.  You would be
interested in the first (Blue) and last (Aqua) bars.
* The Blue bar is our MySQLDataset Delphi component
(http://www.scibit.com/MYSQLCOMPONENTS) using ONLY the (MySQL AB provided)
libmysql.dll (straight to the server).
* The Brown bar is our MySQLDataset component accessing the MySQL server in
cached-updates mode.
* The Yellow bar is accessing the same table created in MSAccess.
* The Aqua bar is accessing the MySQL server using the standard MyODBC

The MySQLDataset component is used as the foundation for MySQLX
(http://www.scibit.com/MySQLX) as well as Mascon

> Also - does your component  support ADO-objects ? - specially
> Recordsets ..
> or do you have something similar ?

Yes, the most important ADO calls are all available as seen in the OnLine
Help File, ex. Connection, Recordset, Fields, etc.  As you can see in the
Help many more properties and methods are also available giving you full
control and access to your MySQL server(s).  It is multithreaded and able to
access different databases on the server simultaneously.

> How can you access mySQL with Mascon ? Only via this ActiveX or also with
> ODBC ?

Mascon is a standalone MySQL tool, to access any MySQL server (v3.21.x to
v3.23.x). You ONLY need Mascon.exe and the accompanying libmysql.dll (MySQL
AB developed).  Mascon has no built-in support for either Active X or ODBC.

> Back to Win NT:
> On the WinNT-Server  I only will run mySQL  accessing via an ODBC
> networkconnection.
> Are there any disadvantages  running mySQL on NT, not Linux  - Linuxfans
> keep cool !;) .. I mean just for this kind of application

We've not found any major advantages or disadvantages (we run both) that is
NOT dependent on your scenario, Linux is by default more stable (nothing to
do with MySQL) than NT and given the same hardware it is also faster
(because of general less overhead), it is also much cheaper to
maintain/upgrade (given a default installation and ignoring training and
learning curves).  Win2K has many more default features in the IIS and is
easier/faster to manage/setup/config on a global (multiple server) scale.
This is of course expected from an all in one package, while you will get
many more features and functionality from your Linux box if tweaked, patched
and installed with everything available (to manage this afterwards could be
a challenge).  Again everybody keep cool, this is just one guy's (my)
opinion and is only valid for me at this point in time.

> Or - what is recommended ? Running IIS and mySQL on one Server ?
Depends on the load the hardware is going to handle (number of hits,
LAN/Internet speeds, etc).  Difficult to answer;  You can always start of
with this config, then move the MySQL (which is probably going to do more
work) to a Linux box later.


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