Use mysqldump -q ...

This will prevent buffering of the table content in RAM.



On Wed, 7 Feb
2001, Brian Reichert wrote:

> I apologize if this has been discussed already, but I quick poke
> at the archives didn't reveal anything.
> We have a table that iamchk says is fine.  We are trying to get an
> SQL dump of this table.  But, we keep getting out-of-memory errors.
> I've tried several things, all to no avail, and I'm looking for
> advice/suggestions.
> Some real details:
> The platform:
>   FreeBSD 3.4-RELEASE on a dual-CPU box, with 1G of physical and
>   2G of swap.
>   We're running MySQL 3.22.32.
>   This machine is idle; there are no other processes, no uses of
>   the database, other than my client.
> The table:
>   # ls -l audit_trail_271.*
>   -rw-rw----  1 root  wheel  1486838307 Nov 10 05:26 audit_trail_271.ISD
>   -rw-rw----  1 root  wheel    84807680 Nov 10 05:26 audit_trail_271.ISM
>   -rw-rw----  1 root  wheel        9060 Oct 25 05:06 audit_trail_271.frm
>   # isamchk audit_trail_271.ISM
>   Checking ISAM file: audit_trail_271.ISM
>   Data records: 3869676   Deleted blocks:       0
>   - check file-size
>   - check delete-chain
>   - check index reference
>   - check data record references index: 1
>   - check data record references index: 2
>   - check record links
> When I try to do a mysqldump on the localhost, I get an out-of-memory
> error:
>   # mysqldump -uroot -proot customer audit_trail_271
>   mysqldump: Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes)
>   mysqldump: Got error: 2008: MySQL client run out of memory
> When I try to a dump from over the network:
>   # mysqldump -uroot -proot -h db_host1 customer audit_trail_271
>   # MySQL dump 7.1
>   #
>   # Host: db_host1    Database: customer
>   #--------------------------------------------------------
>   # Server version        3.22.32-log
>   #
>   # Table structure for table 'audit_trail_271'
>   #
>   CREATE TABLE audit_trail_271 (
>     audit_trail_id int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
>     account_id int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
>     user_id int(10) unsigned,
>     bid_id int(10) unsigned,
>     cpc int(10) unsigned,
>     ics2_id int(10) unsigned,
>     action varchar(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
>     acct_amt int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
>     gift_amt int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
>     free_amt int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
>     bill_amt int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
>     decl_amt int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
>     ref_base varchar(40),
>     ref_more text,
>     apache_log text,
>     mtime timestamp(14),
>     ctime datetime,
>     PRIMARY KEY (audit_trail_id),
>     KEY account_id (account_id)
>   );
>   #
>   # Dumping data for table 'audit_trail_271'
>   #
> And there it hangs forever.  As in, I let is sit for hours, and no
> data comes over the pipe.  The server admits there's a connection:
>  # echo 'show processlist;' | mysql -u root -proot customer
>   Id      User    Host    db      Command Time    State   Info
>   162128  root    db_host2      customer    Query   446     Sending data
>    SELECT * FROM audit_trail_271
>   162130  root    localhost       customer    Query   0       NULL    show
>   processlist
> And, if I simply do a 'select *', and dump all output into a bitbucket:
>   # echo 'select * from audit_trail_271;' | 
>         mysql -u root -proot customer > /dev/null
>   mysql: Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes)
>   ERROR 2008 at line 1: MySQL client run out of memory
> Does anyone have any advice about how I can get a dump of this table?

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