I thought it is probably an easy question to answer, so sorry if it is repetitive, but 
I am new:

I am reading the book "MySQL" by Paul DuBois, and in it, it is mentioned that when 
creating a table, you can do it through a client such as telnet (which is what I'm 
doing...ttSSH), and you can either do it the manual way:

mysql> CREATE TABLE whatever (
        -> something VARCHAR(20),
        -> somethingelse VARCHAR(15));

or you can make a .txt file (or .sql was actually the example in the book, but from 
what I have gathered, the extension isn't important) and give the shell command:

mysql database_name < create_whatever.sql

...and this will load the table into your database.  Now, in the book it doesn't 
specify whether or not you have to be on the computer with the server, or if you can 
send the .sql file command from your computer to the remote server, sort of like a 
file transfer protocol as well.  Basically, my question is, do I have to either FTP my 
files to the server, and then execute the command, or can I do it remotely without 
FTP? Or is it possible AT ALL to execute the command from a remote computer?  In case 
it helps, I am on a Windows 98 system connected through SSH to an Linux system running 
Apache.  Please help, I'm stuck and I won't give up until I'm un-stuck!  Thanks in 
advance to all that reply.

Derek Booth

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