Joe and Nancy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:

> I am in a time crunch to get mysql working on my site.  I export inventory
> records out of my Peachtree software into Excel and planned to use that .xls
> table to show product pricing and availability on my web pages.  Below is
> sample asp code that works.  My ISP had told me they support asp, but after
> coding and testing (at another site), I found that my ISP really doesn't
> support asp.  Can anyone provide a sample chunk of mysql code that would do
> what this asp code does...

First, doing this from a spreadsheet is a very innificient way of doing things (for a 
lot of reasons).  Second, MySQL won't allow you to directly connect to a spreadsheet - 
it only talks to a MySQL database.

I will assume you mean that you want to pull records out of a database and display 
them on a web page - if that is a safe assumption to make, here's a little Escapade 
code to do what you want (Escapade is a SSL that sits on top of MySQL).  Perl/PHP code 
is more complicated, but does essentially the same thing:

> <%@ Language=VBScript %>
> <%Option Explicit%>
> <%
>  'Declare Variables
>  Dim cnnExcel, rsProduct, strSQL
>  'Connection Object
>  set cnnExcel = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
>  cnnExcel.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=" &
> server.MapPath("../catalog.xls") & ";"
>  'RecordObject
>  set rsProduct = server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
> %>

<DBOPEN "mysql", "localhost", "login", "password">

> Next to each product is this code, it shows the price and qty from the file
> and an image with a hyperlink if qty > 0:
> <%
>     'Code for checking inventory
>     'SQL
>     strSQl = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE ((([Sheet1$].[Product
> Code])='blizzard'))"
>  'Open Recordset
>     rsProduct.Open strSQl, cnnExcel
>     if not rsProduct.EOF then
>   Response.Write "Price: $" & rsProduct.Fields("Price").Value & "<br><br>"
>   Response.Write "Quantity on Hand: " & rsProduct.Fields("Qty in
> Stock").Value & "<br><br>"
>   if rsProduct.Fields("Qty in Stock").Value > 0 then
>    Response.Write "<a href=""url here""><img src=""images/button.gif""></a>"
>   end if
>     end if
>         %>

<SQL select * from table where Product_Code='blizzard'>
# this code will get skipped if there are no records in the recordset
   Price: $Price<br><br>
   Quantity on Hand: $Qty_in_Stock<br><br>
   <IF "$Qty_in_Stock" GT "0">
      <a href="url"><img src="images/button.gif"></a>

Ed Carp, N7EKG          [EMAIL PROTECTED]           940/367-2744 cell phone               [EMAIL PROTECTED] - text pager

I sometimes wonder if the American people deserve to be free - they seem
so unwilling to fight to preserve the few freedoms they have left.

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