I'm confused. You say you are in a time crunch to get mysql working on your
site but you have no mysql connection/code.  You say you coded and tested on
another site and it works.  If I'm right, that other site had the Windoze OS
as their web site which of course it work fine...

... unlesss ...

does anyone know if a Microsoft Excel ODBC Driver exists for unix systems?

I don't see how Microsoft would even dream of creating such a thing.  Your
new ISP is probably unix just like the majority of web servers on this
planet and doesn't know about Microsoft Excel ODBC Drivers.

My suggestion is that you start looking at MySQL if that's what you are
going to do or ask your ISP if they have Windoze servers and move across to
that.  They will, of course, need the Microsoft Excel ODBC Drivers.



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----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe and Nancy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 12:15
Subject: need mysql sample to accomplish existing asp function

> I am in a time crunch to get mysql working on my site.  I export inventory
> records out of my Peachtree software into Excel and planned to use that
> table to show product pricing and availability on my web pages.  Below is
> sample asp code that works.  My ISP had told me they support asp, but
> coding and testing (at another site), I found that my ISP really doesn't
> support asp.  Can anyone provide a sample chunk of mysql code that would
> what this asp code does...
> --------------
> At the top of the page, setting the connection to the .xls (would be
> slightly different for a database connection):
> <%@ Language=VBScript %>
> <%Option Explicit%>
> <%
>  'Declare Variables
>  Dim cnnExcel, rsProduct, strSQL
>  'Connection Object
>  set cnnExcel = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
>  cnnExcel.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=" &
> server.MapPath("../catalog.xls") & ";"
>  'RecordObject
>  set rsProduct = server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
> %>
> Next to each product is this code, it shows the price and qty from the
> and an image with a hyperlink if qty > 0:
> <%
>     'Code for checking inventory
>     'SQL
>     strSQl = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE ((([Sheet1$].[Product
> Code])='blizzard'))"
>  'Open Recordset
>     rsProduct.Open strSQl, cnnExcel
>     if not rsProduct.EOF then
>   Response.Write "Price: $" & rsProduct.Fields("Price").Value & "<br><br>"
>   Response.Write "Quantity on Hand: " & rsProduct.Fields("Qty in
> Stock").Value & "<br><br>"
>   if rsProduct.Fields("Qty in Stock").Value > 0 then
>    Response.Write "<a href=""url here""><img
>   end if
>     end if
>         %>
> The bottom of the page closes the connection:
> <%
> 'Close Objects
> rsProduct.Close
> Set rsProduct = Nothing
> cnnExcel.Close
> Set cnnExcel = Nothing
> %>
> -----------------------------
> Thanks in advance if anyone can give me direction on how to accomplish
> Joe.
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