Then I'd suggest you declare f1 as an AUTO_INCREMENT column in the target table, leave it out of the SELECT, and let it auto-generate IDs. Something like this:

  INSERT INTO original_table (f2, f3)
  SELECT DISTINCT f2, f3 FROM new_table;

I did that in the same order as your original message, though I'd have expected original_table and new_table to be swapped, based on their names.

See the manual <> for the details on INSERT...SELECT.


leegold wrote:

On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 13:57:13 -0400, "Michael Stassen"

You were perfectly clear. We understand that you only want to test f2
and f3 for uniqueness. The question is, which of the possible values
of f1 do you want to get. Do you see? For a particular unique f2, f3
combination, there may be multiple f1 values. How should we choose
which one to put in the new table?

Oh, I understand now, sorry. If I said "it makes no difference" then
you'd ask what the heck I have f1 for in the first place...It actually
doesn't make a difference. Maybe I should drop f1. f1 is an
auto-increment int. so I imagine I'd want f1 re-incremented in numerical
order to take the gaps out.

Not exactly normalized (or normal:^), thanks.

That is what Shawn has asked

twice, and you have not answered.  Until you answer that, no one can
provide a correct solution.


leegold wrote:

On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 12:39:32 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Let me see if I can explain it a little better....If you need to
move all 3 columns to the new table but you only want *1* row where
f2 and f3 have a unique combination of values, how do you want to
choose *which* value of f1 to move over with that combination? Do
you want the minimum value, the maximum value, or no value at all?

Whoa, it's not that complicated....I want to test only f2 && f3 for
uniqueness, not f1 && f2 && f3. That's all. If I'm not making it
clear - don't's not life or death. Thanks. ...snip...

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