I now have multiple installations running on the same machine, and am also using 
mysqld_multi.  However, even though it's working, there's one thing I don't 
understand.  Why does the [mysqld_multi] section have to contain the pointers to 
mysqld and mysqladmin?  It seems to me that it should just go right to the section 
that's tied to the parameter given to the start script, i.e. "mysqld_multi start 1" 
should go right to the [mysqld1] section and get the info it needs from there. 
However, until I put both variables in the [mysqld_multi] section, it didn't work and 
gave me an error that it was looking for mysqld and mysqladmin in the /var/lib/mysql 
directory.  Here is my my.cnf file.

mysqld     = /usr/local/mysql420/bin/mysqld
mysqladmin = /usr/local/mysql420/bin/mysqladmin

basedir    = /usr/local/mysql420
mysqld     = /usr/local/mysql420/bin/mysqld
port       = 3307
socket     = /usr/local/mysql420/mysql420.sock
pid-file   = /usr/local/mysql420/my420.pid

basedir    = /usr/local/mysql500
mysqld     = /usr/local/mysql500/bin/mysqld
port       = 3306
socket     = /usr/local/mysql500/mysql500.sock
pid-file   = /usr/local/mysql500/my500.pid

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