# requires a table of paths called paths;
create procedure calclmp(in startdate date, in db1 varchar(32), in db2 varchar(32) );
drop table if exists DB1.lmp_daily, DB1.t6, DB1.tmp_month_hr;
create table DB1.lmp_daily like DB2.pjm_lmp_daily;
/*create table DB1.lmp_daily (_FREQ_ int, lmp_mean real,lmp_std real,class_type varchar(7))*/
insert into DB1.lmp_daily
select if(si.hourtype=1,"OnPeak","OffPeak") as class_type,si.date, p.source,p.sink,
count(si.price-so.price) as _FREQ_, sum(si.price-so.price) as lmp_sum,
avg(si.price-so.price) as lmp_mean,
sqrt(variance(si.price-so.price)*count(si.price-so.price)/(count(si.price-so.price)-1)) as lmp_std
from DB1.paths as p,DB2.lmprices_t as si, DB2.lmprices_t as so
where p.source=so.pnodeid and p.sink=si.pnodeid
and si.date>= STARTDATE and so.date>= STARTDATE
and si.date=so.date and si.hour=so.hour and si.hourtype =so.hourtype
group by si.date, p.source, p.sink, class_type;
insert into DB1.lmp_daily
select "24H" as class_type, si.date, p.source,p.sink, count(si.price-so.price) as _FREQ_,
sum(si.price-so.price) as lmp_sum,
avg(si.price-so.price) as lmp_mean,
sqrt(variance(si.price-so.price)*count(si.price-so.price)/(count(si.price-so.price)-1)) as lmp_std
from DB1.paths as p,DB2.lmprices_t as si, DB2.lmprices_t as so
where p.source=so.pnodeid and p.sink=si.pnodeid
and si.date>= STARTDATE and so.date>= STARTDATE
and si.date=so.date and si.hour=so.hour /*and si.hourtype =so.hourtype */
group by si.date, p.source, p.sink;
create table DB1.t6 (lmp real, lmp_option_long real, lmp_option_short real)
select date, source, sink, class_type,lmp_sum as lmp,
/*max*/if(lmp_sum>0,lmp_sum,0) as lmp_option_long,
/*min*/if(lmp_sum<0,lmp_sum,0) as lmp_option_short
from DB1.lmp_daily;
create table DB1.tmp_month_hr (year int, month int, _FREQ_ int, lmp_sum real, lmp_mean real, lmp_std real,
Freq_minus int, freq_plus int,
lmp_option_long_mean real, lmp_option_long_sum real, lmp_option_long_std real,
lmp_option_short_mean real, lmp_option_short_sum real, lmp_option_short_std real,
lmp_min real, lmp_max real, lmp_option_long_min real, lmp_option_long_max real,
lmp_option_short_min real, lmp_option_short_max real)
select year(date) as year, month(date) as month, source, sink, class_type, count(lmp) as _FREQ_,
avg(lmp) as lmp_mean, avg(lmp_option_long) as lmp_option_long_mean, avg(lmp_option_short) as lmp_option_short_mean,
sum(lmp) as lmp_sum, sum(lmp_option_long) as lmp_option_long_sum, sum(lmp_option_short) as lmp_option_short_sum,
sqrt(variance(lmp)*count(lmp)/(count(lmp)-1)) as lmp_std,
sqrt(variance(lmp_option_long)*count(lmp_option_long)/(count(lmp_option_long)-1)) as lmp_option_long_std,
sqrt(variance(lmp_option_short)*count(lmp_option_short)/(count(lmp_option_short)-1)) as lmp_option_short_std,
min(lmp) as lmp_min,max(lmp) as lmp_max, min(lmp_option_long) as lmp_Option_long_min,
max(lmp_option_long) as lmp_option_long_max, min(lmp_option_short) as lmp_Option_short_min,
max(lmp_option_short) as lmp_option_short_max,count(if(lmp>0,lmp,null)) as Freq_plus,
count(if(lmp<0,lmp,null)) as minus
from DB1.t6
group by year, month, source, sink, class_type;
drop table if exists DB1.t6;
I appreciate any suggestions.
Thank you Joe
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