Hi Joe,

> I want to create a stored procedure that I pass a date variable and two
> database names.  I can not seem to figure the correct syntax to utilize
> these variables in the procedure.  I think I might need to build a
> sqlstring and use an exec command to execute the string.  Here is my
> procedure code:
> # requires a table of paths called paths;
> create procedure calclmp(in startdate date, in db1 varchar(32), in db2
> varchar(32) );
> begin
> drop table if exists DB1.lmp_daily, DB1.t6, DB1.tmp_month_hr;
> create table DB1.lmp_daily like DB2.pjm_lmp_daily;

Unless you have a database named "DB1", I think the above will
fail - as far as I know, you cannot use variables/parameters like

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL & MS SQL
Upscene Productions

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