On Sunday 15 April 2001 19:40, Andrei Cojocaru wrote:
> Every few mins (2-15min) mysqld crashes with a signal 11 (SEGV). I am 
> running FreeBSD 4.2 with mysql 3.23.36, I used to have 3.23.32 it had the 
> same problem, I upgraded to 3.23.36 today and it had the same problem. I 
> have recompiled mysql in full debug and done a stack trace and it keeps on 
> crashing in mysql_select(), here they are:
> trace #1:
> www# cd /usr/local/mysql/libexec
> www# gdb mysqld
> (gdb) run --user=mysql
> Starting program: /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld --user=mysql
> 010415 19:08:47  Warning: setrlimit returned ok, but didn't change limits. 
> Max open files is 1064
> 010415 19:08:47  Warning: Changed limits: max_connections: 300  
> 377
> /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections
> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> 0x80bd208 in mysql_select (thd=0x824a818, tables=0x92da1c8, 
> fields=@0x824aa64, conds=0x92da4a0, ftfuncs=@0x824aa98, order=0x0,
>     group=0x0, having=0x0, proc_param=0x0, select_options=42505217, 
> result=0x92da518) at sql_select.cc:799
> 799       DBUG_RETURN(error);
> ...
> (gdb) back
> #0  0x80bd208 in mysql_select (thd=0x824a818, tables=0x92da1c8, 
> fields=@0x824aa64, conds=0x92da4a0, ftfuncs=@0x824aa98, order=0x0,
>     group=0x0, having=0x0, proc_param=0x0, select_options=42505217, 
> result=0x92da518) at sql_select.cc:799
> #1  0x808e919 in mysql_execute_command () at sql_parse.cc:1136
> #2  0x809219f in mysql_parse (thd=0x824a818,
>     inBuf=0x92da028 "select distinct pfs.shiptypeid, s.shipname from 
> planetfleetships pfs, shiptypes s where s.shiptypeid=pfs.shiptypeid and 
> pfs.planetid=3647", length=137) at sql_parse.cc:2298
> #3  0x808d948 in do_command (thd=0x824a818) at sql_parse.cc:828
> #4  0x808cba0 in handle_one_connection (arg=0x824a818) at sql_parse.cc:551
> #5  0x2823a9a7 in _thread_start () from /usr/lib/libc_r.so.4
> #6  0xbfadcffc in ?? ()
> #7  0x28277fe7 in _thread_fd_unlock_debug () from /usr/lib/libc_r.so.4
> #8  0x807c9e8 in THD::THD (this=0x92cb018) at sql_class.cc:78
> #9  0x808889f in handle_connections_sockets (arg=0x0) at mysqld.cc:2274
> #10 0x8087968 in main (argc=15, argv=0x8244140) at mysqld.cc:1890
> #11 0x804b29d in _start ()
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> tmp_table = (TABLE *) 0x92cc018
> error = 0
> tmp = 0
> need_tmp = true
> hidden_group_fields = false
> simple_order = false
> simple_group = false
> no_order = false
> cond_value = COND_OK
> select = (SQL_SELECT *) 0x92dab20
> keyuse = {buffer = 0x0, elements = 0, max_element = 0, alloc_increment = 
> size_of_element = 20}
> join = {join_tab = 0x92db050, best_ref = 0xbfaba2ec, map2table = 0x92da760, 
> table = 0x0, all_tables = 0x92da7e0,
>   sort_by_table = 0x0, tables = 1, const_tables = 0, send_group_parts = 0, 
> sort_and_group = false, first_record = false,
>   full_join = true, group = false, no_field_update = 76, const_table_map = 
> 0, outer_join = 0, send_records = 1, found_records = 2,
>   positions = {{records_read = 14, table = 0x92da648, key = 0x0}, 
> {records_read = 14, table = 0x92da648, key = 0x0}, {
>       records_read = 3.497926695968519e-115, table = 0x92e0180, key = 
> 0x92d9274}, {records_read = 8.8208146916688224e-314,
>       table = 0xbfaba66c, key = 0x92d9274}, {records_read = 
> 6.8236811656094081e-313, table = 0x282393b5, key = 0xbfaba6ac}, {
>       records_read = 1.9019183611868367e-269, table = 0x92d9000, key = 
> 0xbfaba6ac}, {records_read = 3.497926695968519e-115,
>       table = 0x820d6ac, key = 0x92d9274}, {records_read = 
> 1.5818070537455784e-264, table = 0xbfaba6ac, key = 0xbfaba7ec}, {
>       records_read = 1.9019183611868367e-269, table = 0x1, key = 
> 0xbfaba7e0}, {records_read = 3.497926695968519e-115,
>       table = 0x820d6ac, key = 0x0}, {records_read = 
> 1.8993304345295969e-269, table = 0xbfaba6dc, key = 0xbfaba71c}, {
>       records_read = 3.497926695968519e-115, table = 0x822c4d4, key = 
> 0x92d9274}, {records_read = 3.4979266959743929e-115,
>       table = 0xbfaba6fc, key = 0x92d9274}, {records_read = 
> 1.8993304345295969e-269, table = 0x822c4d8, key = 0xbfaba74c}, {
>       records_read = 3.497926695968519e-115, table = 0x822c4d4, key = 
> 0x92d9274}, {records_read = 1.8992611150717832e-269,
>       table = 0xbfaba72c, key = 0xbfaba74c}, {records_read = 
> 1.8993304345295969e-269, table = 0x92e0198, key = 0x92d9274}, {
>       records_read = 3.497926695968519e-115, table = 0x822c4d4, key = 0x0}, 
> {records_read = 3.4978027730273331e-115,
>       table = 0xbfaba75c, key = 0x0}, {records_read = 
> 3.497926695968519e-115, table = 0xbfaab000, key = 0x3c}, {
>       records_read = 1.8611437758736926e-264, table = 0xbfaba77c, key = 
> 0x43f}, {records_read = 1.8520806496858815e-264,
>       table = 0x12e0198, key = 0xbfaba7cc}, {records_read = 
> 1.8520805311109313e-264, table = 0xbfaba7f8, key = 0x1}, {
>       records_read = 3.4979266959805738e-115, table = 0x820d6ac, key = 
> 0xbfaba7dc}, {records_read = 1.901849041729023e-269,
>       table = 0x282b11c0, key = 0xbfaba7dc}, {records_read = 
> 3.7004632531246594e-115, table = 0x1, key = 0x92d9274}, {
>       records_read = 3.4979266959743929e-115, table = 0x822c4d8, key = 
> 0x92d9274}, {records_read = 1.4777061514227843e-264,
>       table = 0x822c4d8, key = 0xbfaba82c}, {records_read = 
> 3.497926695968519e-115, table = 0x9282248, key = 0x2}, {
>       records_read = 3.4979266959743929e-115, table = 0xbfaba80c, key = 
> 0x92d9274}, {records_read = 1.4777061514227843e-264,
>       table = 0x822c4d8, key = 0xbfaba85c}, {records_read = 
> 1.4775850068789208e-264, table = 0x9282248, key = 0x0}},
>   best_positions = {{records_read = 1, table = 0x92da530, key = 0x92ca418}, 
> {records_read = 14, table = 0x92da648, key = 0x0}, {
>       records_read = 1.4775850068789208e-264, table = 0x0, key = 
> 0xbfaba88c}, {records_read = 3.497926695968519e-115,
>       table = 0x92821f8, key = 0x0}, {records_read = 
> 1.7300523033662307e-269, table = 0xbfaba87c, key = 0x92d9274}, {
>       records_read = 1.2765269380312171e-312, table = 0x282393b5, key = 
> 0xbfaba8bc}, {records_read = 1.7763633011224387e-269,
>       table = 0x92d9000, key = 0xbfaba8bc}, {records_read = 
> 1.7300521225261299e-269, table = 0xbfaab000, key = 0xbfaba9fc}, {
>       records_read = 1.861166371894758e-264, table = 0x8224790, key = 
> 0xbfaba9fc}, {records_read = 4.4144220388218763e-312,
>       table = 0xbfaba9f4, key = 0xbfaba9f0}, {records_read = 
> 1.7300531581110172e-269, table = 0x92da0b8, key = 0x1}, {
>       records_read = 2.198075303660321e-314, table = 0x1, key = 
> {records_read = 3.4979278420017467e-115,
>       table = 0xbfaab000, key = 0x92d9274}, {records_read = 
> 3.4979266959805738e-115, table = 0x9282248, key = 0xbfaba93c}, {
>       records_read = 1.4776607222229115e-264, table = 0x282b11c0, key = 
> 0xbfaba93c}, {records_read = 3.4979266959777939e-115,
>       table = 0xbfaab000, key = 0x2}, {records_read = 
> 3.4979266959805738e-115, table = 0x0, key = 0xbfaba96c}, {
>       records_read = 3.4979266959805738e-115, table = 0x92821f8, key = 
> 0xbfaba97c}, {records_read = 1.477539577679048e-264,
>       table = 0x282b11c0, key = 0xbfaba97c}, {records_read = 
> 3.4979266959777939e-115, table = 0xbfaab000, key = 0x92d9274}, {
>       records_read = 3.4979266959805738e-115, table = 0x0, key = 
> 0xbfaba9ac}, {records_read = 1.4968545608909657e-264,
>       table = 0x0, key = 0xbfaba9ac}, {records_read = 
> 9.9194142539491769e-270, table = 0xbfaab000, key = 0x92d9274}, {
>       records_read = 5.0510198949898446e-312, table = 0x282393b5, key = 
> 0xbfaba9dc}, {records_read = 1.4968544423756729e-264,
>       table = 0x92d9000, key = 0xbfaba9dc}, {records_read = 
> 9.2500469978518521e+242, table = 0x676e696e, key = 0xbfabaa1c}, {
>       records_read = 1.5464840726753708e-269, table = 0x0, key = 
> 0xbfabaa1c}, {records_read = 1.230824666992489e-311,
>       table = 0xbfabaa10, key = 0xbfabaa0c}, {records_read = 
> 1.8387742388101894e-264, table = 0x1, key = 0xbfabaa5c}, {
>       records_read = 1.7296825995527133e-269, table = 0xbfaab000, key = 
> 0x92e817c}, {records_read = -0.054032926466411037,
>       table = 0x0, key = 0xbfabaa6c}, {records_read = 
> 1.9550286239291039e-269, table = 0xbfaab000, key = 0xbfabaa5c}},
>   best_read = 4.7999999999999998, fields = 0x824aa64, group_fields = 
> {<base_list> = {<Sql_alloc> = {<No data fields>},
>       first = 0x0, last = 0xbfabaa40, elements = 0}, <No data fields>}, 
> tmp_table = 0x0, thd = 0x824a818, sum_funcs = 0x0,
>   procedure = 0x0, having = 0x0, select_options = 42505217, result = 
> 0x92da518, tmp_table_param = {
>     copy_funcs = {<base_list> = {<Sql_alloc> = {<No data fields>}, first = 
> 0x0, last = 0xbfabaa6c,
>         elements = 0}, <No data fields>}, copy_field = 0x0, group_buff = 
> 0xbfabaa9c "", funcs = 0x92cc360, recinfo = 0x92cc408,
>     start_recinfo = 0x92cc3a8, keyinfo = 0x92cc368, end_write_records = 
> 4294967295, copy_field_count = 0, field_count = 2,
>     sum_func_count = 0, func_count = 0, hidden_field_count = 0, group_parts 
> = 0, group_length = 0, quick_group = 1,
>     using_indirect_summary_function = false}, lock = 0x0}
> procedure = (Procedure *) 0x0
> all_fields = {<base_list> = {<Sql_alloc> = {<No data fields>}, first = 
> 0x92da110, last = 0x92da17c,
>     elements = 2}, <No data fields>}
> select_distinct = false
> _db_func_ = 0x2826f3fb "\203?\020\205?\017\205N???\213\203?\013"
> _db_file_ = 0x1 <Error reading address 0x1: Bad address>
> _db_level_ = 1
> _db_framep_ = (char **) 0x282d2940
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #1  0x808e919 in mysql_execute_command () at sql_parse.cc:1136
> 1136                           result);
> ...
> result = (class select_result *) 0x92da518
> res = 0
> thd = (THD *) 0x824a818
> lex = (LEX *) 0x824a934
> tables = (TABLE_LIST *) 0x92da1c8
> _db_func_ = 0x824a934 "\001"
> _db_file_ = 0x81d503d "mysql_parse"
> _db_level_ = 134816073
> _db_framep_ = (char **) 0xbfabaddc
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #2  0x809219f in mysql_parse (thd=0x824a818,
>     inBuf=0x92da028 "select distinct pfs.shiptypeid, s.shipname from 
> planetfleetships pfs, shiptypes s where s.shiptypeid=pfs.shiptypeid and 
> pfs.planetid=3647", length=137) at sql_parse.cc:2298
> 2298        mysql_execute_command();
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> _db_func_ = 0x824a818 "\034?,\t\030\230,\th2\"\b\230f,\tS"
> _db_file_ = 0x820e1e0 ""
> _db_level_ = 134797554
> _db_framep_ = (char **) 0xbfabaf7c
> lex = (LEX *) 0x824a934
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #3  0x808d948 in do_command (thd=0x824a818) at sql_parse.cc:828
> 828         mysql_parse(thd,thd->query,packet_length-1);
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> pos = 0x929a0a2 ""
> packet = 0x929a018 "\001"
> old_timeout = 30
> packet_length = 138
> error = false
> net = (NET *) 0x824a824
> command = COM_QUERY
> slow_command = false
> _db_func_ = 0xbfabaf7c "????š?\b\b\030?$\b"
> _db_file_ = 0xbfaab000 ""
> _db_level_ = 136621264
> _db_framep_ = (char **) 0x0
> start_of_query = 153723042
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #4  0x808cba0 in handle_one_connection (arg=0x824a818) at sql_parse.cc:551
> 551           if (do_command(thd))
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> error = 0
> net = (NET *) 0x824a824
> thd = (THD *) 0x824a818
> launch_time = 0
> set = {__bits = {0, 0, 0, 0}}
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #5  0x2823a9a7 in _thread_start () from /usr/lib/libc_r.so.4
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> No symbol table info available.
> ...
> #6  0xbfadcffc in ?? ()
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> No symbol table info available.
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #7  0x28277fe7 in _thread_fd_unlock_debug () from /usr/lib/libc_r.so.4
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> No symbol table info available.
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #8  0x807c9e8 in THD::THD (this=0x92cb018) at sql_class.cc:78
> 78      THD::THD():user_time(0),fatal_error(0),last_insert_id_used(0),
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> No locals.
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #9  0x808889f in handle_connections_sockets (arg=0x0) at mysqld.cc:2274
> 2274        if (!(thd= new THD))
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> sock = 9
> new_sock = 107
> error_count = 0
> max_used_connection = 10
> readFDs = {fds_bits = {512, 0 <repeats 31 times>}}
> clientFDs = {fds_bits = {768, 0 <repeats 31 times>}}
> thd = (THD *) 0x92cb818
> cAddr = {sin_len = 16 '\020', sin_family = 1 '\001', sin_port = 0, sin_addr 
> = {s_addr = 0},
>   sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}
> ip_flags = 2
> socket_flags = 2
> flags = 2
> vio_tmp = (Vio *) 0x92dfb18
> _db_func_ = 0x1000002 <Error reading address 0x1000002: Bad address>
> _db_file_ = 0x2821c100 "z?P?\001"
> _db_level_ = 3217029212
> _db_framep_ = (char **) 0xbfbff860
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #10 0x8087968 in main (argc=15, argv=0x8244140) at mysqld.cc:1890
> 1890      handle_connections_sockets(0);
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> No locals.
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #11 0x804b29d in _start ()
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> No symbol table info available.
> trace #2:
> www# cd /usr/local/mysql/libexec
> www# gdb mysqld
> ...
> (gdb) run --user=mysql
> Starting program: /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld --user=mysql
> 010415 19:21:40  Warning: setrlimit returned ok, but didn't change limits. 
> Max open files is 1064
> 010415 19:21:40  Warning: Changed limits: max_connections: 300  
> 377
> /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections
> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> 0x80bd208 in mysql_select (thd=0x9269018, tables=0x92c30d0, 
> fields=@0x9269264, conds=0x92c3198, ftfuncs=@0x9269298, order=0x0,
>     group=0x0, having=0x0, proc_param=0x0, select_options=42505216, 
> result=0x92c3208) at sql_select.cc:799
> 799       DBUG_RETURN(error);
> ...
> #0  0x80bd208 in mysql_select (thd=0x9269018, tables=0x92c30d0, 
> fields=@0x9269264, conds=0x92c3198, ftfuncs=@0x9269298, order=0x0,
>     group=0x0, having=0x0, proc_param=0x0, select_options=42505216, 
> result=0x92c3208) at sql_select.cc:799
> #1  0x808e919 in mysql_execute_command () at sql_parse.cc:1136
> #2  0x809219f in mysql_parse (thd=0x9269018, inBuf=0x92c3028 "select probes 
> from planets where planetid=4051", length=46)
>     at sql_parse.cc:2298
> #3  0x808d948 in do_command (thd=0x9269018) at sql_parse.cc:828
> #4  0x808cba0 in handle_one_connection (arg=0x9269018) at sql_parse.cc:551
> #5  0x2823a9a7 in _thread_start () from /usr/lib/libc_r.so.4
> #6  0xbfabaffc in ?? ()
> #7  0x28277fe7 in _thread_fd_unlock_debug () from /usr/lib/libc_r.so.4
> #8  0x807c9e8 in THD::THD (this=0x92b1818) at sql_class.cc:78
> #9  0x808889f in handle_connections_sockets (arg=0x0) at mysqld.cc:2274
> #10 0x8087968 in main (argc=15, argv=0x8244140) at mysqld.cc:1890
> #11 0x804b29d in _start ()
> ...
> #1  0x808e919 in mysql_execute_command () at sql_parse.cc:1136
> 1136                           result);
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> result = (class select_result *) 0x92c3208
> res = 0
> thd = (THD *) 0x9269018
> lex = (LEX *) 0x9269134
> tables = (TABLE_LIST *) 0x92c30d0
> _db_func_ = 0x9269134 "\001"
> _db_file_ = 0x81d503d "mysql_parse"
> _db_level_ = 134816073
> _db_framep_ = (char **) 0xbfadcddc
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #2  0x809219f in mysql_parse (thd=0x9269018, inBuf=0x92c3028 "select probes 
> from planets where planetid=4051", length=46)
>     at sql_parse.cc:2298
> 2298        mysql_execute_command();
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> _db_func_ = 0x9269018 "?? \b?? \bh2\"\b\230[)\t\f"
> _db_file_ = 0x820e1e0 ""
> _db_level_ = 134797554
> _db_framep_ = (char **) 0xbfadcf7c
> lex = (LEX *) 0x9269134
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #3  0x808d948 in do_command (thd=0x9269018) at sql_parse.cc:828
> 828         mysql_parse(thd,thd->query,packet_length-1);
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> pos = 0x9265047 ""
> packet = 0x9265018 "\001"
> old_timeout = 30
> packet_length = 47
> error = false
> net = (NET *) 0x9269024
> command = COM_QUERY
> slow_command = false
> _db_func_ = 0xbfadcf7c "????š?\b\b\030\220&\t"
> _db_file_ = 0xbfacd000 ""
> _db_level_ = 153523408
> _db_framep_ = (char **) 0x0
> start_of_query = 153505863
> ...
> #4  0x808cba0 in handle_one_connection (arg=0x9269018) at sql_parse.cc:551
> 551           if (do_command(thd))
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> error = 0
> net = (NET *) 0x9269024
> thd = (THD *) 0x9269018
> launch_time = 0
> set = {__bits = {0, 0, 0, 0}}
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #5  0x2823a9a7 in _thread_start () from /usr/lib/libc_r.so.4
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> No symbol table info available.
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #6  0xbfabaffc in ?? ()
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> No symbol table info available.
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #7  0x28277fe7 in _thread_fd_unlock_debug () from /usr/lib/libc_r.so.4
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> No symbol table info available.
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #8  0x807c9e8 in THD::THD (this=0x92b1818) at sql_class.cc:78
> 78      THD::THD():user_time(0),fatal_error(0),last_insert_id_used(0),
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> No locals.
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #9  0x808889f in handle_connections_sockets (arg=0x0) at mysqld.cc:2274
> 2274        if (!(thd= new THD))
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> sock = 9
> new_sock = 73
> error_count = 0
> max_used_connection = 10
> readFDs = {fds_bits = {512, 0 <repeats 31 times>}}
> clientFDs = {fds_bits = {768, 0 <repeats 31 times>}}
> thd = (THD *) 0x9269018
> cAddr = {sin_len = 16 '\020', sin_family = 1 '\001', sin_port = 0, sin_addr 
> = {s_addr = 0},
>   sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}
> ip_flags = 2
> socket_flags = 2
> flags = 2
> vio_tmp = (Vio *) 0x9295b98
> _db_func_ = 0x1000002 <Error reading address 0x1000002: Bad address>
> _db_file_ = 0x2821c100 "z?P?\001"
> _db_level_ = 3217029212
> _db_framep_ = (char **) 0xbfbff860
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #10 0x8087968 in main (argc=15, argv=0x8244140) at mysqld.cc:1890
> 1890      handle_connections_sockets(0);
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> No locals.
> ...
> (gdb) up
> #11 0x804b29d in _start ()
> ...
> (gdb) info locals
> No symbol table info available.
> If any of the developers would like access to my machine, I can provide it 
> through ssh and you can see for yourself. I hope the solution to this 
> problem is found soon. Thanks for your help.

Thanks for a good bug report. The backtrace indicates some form stack 
corruption. This could very likely be a thread library issue. However, we 
would like to get a copy of your tables to test it on a couple of different 
systems. Can you upload your tables to ftp://support.mysql.com/ ?

Tim - I am quite sure that this is a FreeBSD-specific bug - either a bug in 
the libraries or a bug in MySQL itself that only shows on FreeBSD. Can you 
check it on your system and on cane once the tables are uploaded?

Andrei - in the meantime, try our FreeBSD binary and see if the same query 
causes a crash too. If it does not, the problem is somewhere in the compiler 
or your libraries.

MySQL Development Team
   __  ___     ___ ____  __ 
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /   Sasha Pachev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__  MySQL AB, http://www.mysql.com/
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/  Provo, Utah, USA

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