Brian J.S. Miller wrote:


I've read over every archived posting I can find about this problem and
havne't found a solution that seems to work for me.

Here is the deal:
I had a server crash. Hard.
I re-built the server (i686, Debian install, kernel 2.4.18).
I restored the data for 1 database from tapes to use for testing purposes.

The database has 76 tables, all of type ISAM.

To restore the data, I did the following:
1) /etc/init.d/mysql stop
2) cp all files from tape restore (ISM, ISD and frm for each of the 76
tables) to /var/lib/mysql/databasename/
3) chown/chgrp/chmod the new files so they're mysql.root, 0664
4) chown/chgrp/chmod the new directory so it's mysql.root, 0775
5) /etc/init.d/mysql start

The server starts just fine.
~> mysql databasename

I get 66 tables working fine, 9 tables reporting "Didn't find any fields
in table 'admin_privs'" (or whatever the table name is..that's just 1

Here is what I have tried already:
1) backing down to Mysql 3.23
2) Running 2.6 kernel (read that ISAMs aren't binary compatible across
3) CHECK TABLE admin_privs (says: "Incorrect information in file:
4) isamchk (says: "isamchk: error: 'admin_privs' is not a ISAM-table")

Does anyone have ANY ideas?!  I'm at a complete loss here (and, of course,
getting bashed for not being able to restore from tape).


Are the tables ISAM or MYISAM ?
From the manual -
"MyISAM is the default storage engine as of MySQL 3.23"

If they are MYISAM, then you should be running myisamchk. We run this everytime we start/restart our db which checks for tables not closed properly and will automatically repair them. Of course, read the manual for all the myisamchk options.


FILES=`ls /var/lib/mysql/NEA/*.MYI`
for n in $FILES; do
echo "checking $n";
myisamchk -f -m -O key_buffer=100M -O sort_buffer=64M -O read_buffer=50M -O write_buffer=1M $n;

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