Brian J.S. Miller wrote:

Brian J.S. Miller wrote:


I've read over every archived posting I can find about this problem and
havne't found a solution that seems to work for me.

Here is the deal:
I had a server crash. Hard.
I re-built the server (i686, Debian install, kernel 2.4.18).
I restored the data for 1 database from tapes to use for testing

The database has 76 tables, all of type ISAM.

To restore the data, I did the following:
1) /etc/init.d/mysql stop
2) cp all files from tape restore (ISM, ISD and frm for each of the 76
tables) to /var/lib/mysql/databasename/
3) chown/chgrp/chmod the new files so they're mysql.root, 0664
4) chown/chgrp/chmod the new directory so it's mysql.root, 0775
5) /etc/init.d/mysql start

The server starts just fine.
~> mysql databasename

I get 66 tables working fine, 9 tables reporting "Didn't find any fields
in table 'admin_privs'" (or whatever the table name is..that's just 1

Here is what I have tried already:
1) backing down to Mysql 3.23
2) Running 2.6 kernel (read that ISAMs aren't binary compatible across
3) CHECK TABLE admin_privs (says: "Incorrect information in file:
4) isamchk (says: "isamchk: error: 'admin_privs' is not a ISAM-table")

Does anyone have ANY ideas?!  I'm at a complete loss here (and, of
getting bashed for not being able to restore from tape).


Are the tables ISAM or MYISAM ?
From the manual -
"MyISAM is the default storage engine as of MySQL 3.23"

If they are MYISAM, then you should be running myisamchk. We run this
everytime we start/restart our db which checks for tables not closed
properly and will automatically repair them. Of course, read the manual
for all the  myisamchk options.



The tables are ISAM type.  These are some seriously old tables (originally
from version 3.21) and were never updated to type MyISAM.  Despite
frequent updates to mysqld.

There is a program isamchk which is similar to myisamchk, but it returns
the error "___ is not a ISAM-table."

I have read and re-read the man pages for this utility and  cannot get it
to spit out anything more than the error listed above.

Anyone else got an idea?  This is killing me.

The "Didn't find any fields in table 'BLA'" sounds like you're missing the table definition file. If the table name is BLA, the file would be BLA.ISM. MySQL is finding table data, but no table structure.


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