One thing you could do, which may not be the best, is insert one (or
some set limit) of rows at a time, then after each sleep for .25 seconds
or something, so that your inserts get spread out more over time, and
there is idle time between them for the selecting clients to complete.
Obviously this means the total number of inserts you can support is
lower, but it sounds like that may be ok, and you just don't want them
consuming all resources for short period when they could spread out and
still let client requests be fast.

I'm not sure why insert delayed didn't work, the manual clearly says it
should, I'm going to try it hout shortly and see if it works for me.


On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 12:02 -0700, Daniel Cummings wrote:
> We have what is called a data grabber for quotes that is inserting rows into
> both InnoDb and MyIsam tables.
> When the data is being imported ( inserted ), it is dramatically slowing
> clients down that are running queries against the table.
> Our first attempt at a solution was to insert one row at a time.  This
> doesn't seem to make a difference.
> The next thing we tried is the "Insert Delayed" which as I stated in an
> earlier post, doesn't seem to work for InnoDb tables.
> We are also looking at "Insert Low_Priority".
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Dan

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