Brent Baisley wrote:

If you are using 4.1, you can look into the GROUP_CONCAT function.

Otherwise, try a self join like this:
SELECT A.LastName,A.OrderNum,B.OrderNum
FROM Orders AS A
LEFT JOIN Orders AS B ON A.LastName=B.LastName
WHERE A.OrderNum!=B.OrderNum

That joins the Order table with itself on LastName and filters out the non-duplicates, since there will always be at least one match, by filtering out Order Numbers that match for the duplicate last names. It will output something like this:

A.LastName    A.Order    B.OrderNum
smith        1        2
smith        1        3
jones        5        10
jones        5        12
jones        5        23

No, it won't. It will produce output like this:

| LastName | OrderNum | OrderNum |
| jones    |       10 |        5 |
| jones    |       12 |        5 |
| jones    |       23 |        5 |
| jones    |        5 |       10 |
| jones    |       12 |       10 |
| jones    |       23 |       10 |
| jones    |        5 |       12 |
| jones    |       10 |       12 |
| jones    |       23 |       12 |
| jones    |        5 |       23 |
| jones    |       10 |       23 |
| jones    |       12 |       23 |
| smith    |        2 |        1 |
| smith    |        3 |        1 |
| smith    |        1 |        2 |
| smith    |        3 |        2 |
| smith    |        1 |        3 |
| smith    |        2 |        3 |
18 rows in set (0.08 sec)

Each row in A is paired with each non-matching row in B.

I don't know if the not equal syntax I used "!=" is valid for your version of MySQL. I know it works in 4.1.

It is. <>

That shows that smith has order 1,2, and 3. Jones has 5,10,12 and 23.

The answer is in there, but it's a mess.

A simple "SELECT LastName, OrderNum FROM orders" would do, except you want to leave out the rows with unique LastName values. The following should work:

  # Collect the non-unique last names
  SELECT LastName FROM orders GROUP BY LastName HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;

  # Find the rows with the non-unique last names
  SELECT orders.LastName, OrderNum
  FROM orders, lastnames
  WHERE orders.Lastname = lastnames.lastname;
  ORDER BY orders.Lastname, OrderNum;

  | LastName | OrderNum |
  | jones    |        5 |
  | jones    |       10 |
  | jones    |       12 |
  | jones    |       23 |
  | smith    |        1 |
  | smith    |        2 |
  | smith    |        3 |
  7 rows in set (0.01 sec)

  # Clean up
  DROP TABLE lastnames;

With 4.1 and subqueries, this becomes:

  SELECT LastName, OrderNum
  FROM orders
  WHERE LastName IN (SELECT LastName
                     FROM orders
                     GROUP BY LastName
                     HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)
  ORDER BY Lastname, OrderNum;


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